I'm an extremely mellow gentle person. I believe in free love and practice it. I work on behalf of a cause in the community. I sometimes smoke pot. I love people. I'm spiritual. I listen to all types of music especially rock. I feel ashamed to be so gentle. I feel like I'm not black enough. I feel inadequate. I figured if I become a hippie, that will corroborate why I'm so gentle. Then people won't assume I'm wimpy or not a real black girl. Maybe they'll understand why I'm so mellow if I say I'm a hippie. Am I a hippie? If not, how do I become one?
You don't become a hippie to avoid being called wimpy I think Screw those people anyway, you know you're a gentle person, not a wimp. And can't 'real black girls' be mellow according to people in your community?? Strange..
You seem to be a pretty laid back girl. AFAIC if you wanna call yourself a hippy, then you're a hippy. Who has the right to judge you or label you unless they know you?
Ill send you the standard application in the mail- - ----------------------------------------------- Hey, forget the labels ,,be yourself
Oh, I just realized this question is for old hippies as noted in forum title. I appropriately retract my response.
I think the answer is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vGLmygh75E"]Elio e Le Storie Tese & Ike Willis - You Are What You Is (Zappa cover) - YouTube Hippie is not limited to race, or generation. Embrace what you are and don't pretend to be anything else. C/S, Rev J
I dunno, I think you're you and should continue to be so. If people want to stick a label on you, let 'em. If you want to call yourself a hippie because you feel like one, do it. Anybody who hassles you about being gentle needs to learn that gentleness isn't a weakness, but a special kind of strength.
Samantha, hippie is just a stereotype. It no more describes you then your color does. If you are truly a gentle person, a loving person, a beautiful person, then you already have all you need to be you. Don't let people or stereotypes stand in your way. Peace n' Love Indy Hippy
My neighbor was definitely a black woman, and certainly not weak. She was also mellow and great to talk to. She did not need to scream to be strong and confident, she just knew it and it showed. If that makes her need an explaination then we got it wrong.