I think its bad for u to use this, but i am not for sure exactly, is using aluminum foil or tin foil to make a bowl for a pipe very dangerous to ur health?
it is supposed to make alzheimers more likely or something with age.... my suggestion: buy a glass pipe! but if your too cheap, just make one without using aluminum, its possible.
aluminum is a very toxic heavy metal. aluminum poisoning is similar in effect to lead poisoning, but it takes an higher concentration to kill you, or create noticeable health problems. when aluminum foil is heated, as when in an oven covering a turkey or when used to make a bowl for the purpose of smoking your fav herbal blend, it flakes off and falls onto food or is inhaled through smoke. it is a dangerous product.
Yeah I got some of those, but see rolling papers put off a hell of a lot of smoke, i want something that doesnt put off much smoke and i can hold a spoof over it or something.
yea, its really harmful. that black smoke that comes from it when you put a flame to it that's the problem. only use steel, brass, or specially treated alumminum made for heat and human exposure.
you can get a small glass pipe for like $15. USD a small bong doesn't cost much more. don't poison yourself un-necessarily. btw, copper is also quite toxic tho' brass is ok.
Almost free..LOL..they should just throw them out in the street. Well just buy a pipe for like 10$..not much at all...
Smoking out of aluminum foil is just gross. I've done it before and it made my throat sore the morning after I smoked. I don't think it's even worth it.