Alternative Medicine Input Needed

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by ShareShanti, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. ShareShanti

    ShareShanti Members

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    Sooo, I want a new insurance policy before the end of this year.
    And I want to include alternative medicine.
    I want to include alternative medicine because normal medicine is driving me crazy with this constant focus on taking meds. And I don't want them.
    I tend to have psychotic stuff going on and I don't want that.
    Also, I want better control over my behaviour and the behavioural patterns that lead to psychotic thinking.
    And I want to stop being a lazy pig.
    But before I get a more expensive insurance, I would like to know what I want to do, specifically, to help me with this.
    In alternative medicine wise.
    I will not stop with the normal stuff I'm already doing. I just feel that there is something out there that resonates with me on a better level.
    But I have no clue what to look for. I googled some stuff, but I simply have no idea.
    Can anybody advice me, or give me a good searching nudge?
  2. leyten

    leyten Members

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    hello Shanti, I've always think, even if I study medicine, that drugs are not always appropriate, or safe, in particular when we speak about mental healt issues, I've read something recently about the orthomolecular psichiatry: it consists of a discipline that thinks that mental healt problem are usually a result of an unbalance in some important molecules or vitamines in our body. For istance, it sustains that sometimes it has been found in schizophrenia a vitamine B3 deficiency, and they have tried to cure it using large dose of it..
    So, even if I've never heard about this discipline at university I can certanly tell u that I'm sure there is something "phisical" under "psicological" issues. I don't know what condition is under your psicotic thinking, but maybe there is something that drugs aren't solving,
    Have u ever try to analize yourself? Have u ever been under psycoanalysis?Or better have u recently have a complete check of your body functions? (full blood count, tyroid function, hormone values...)? Becouse maybe it can help u in understanding what have caused your problem,and maybe it can be solved differently.
    This is an interesting site , have a look ;)
  3. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    Learn to meditate and control your thoughts. Remember THEY are only thoughts, only YOU can make them into reality.

    Meditation is the best place to start. Get your thoughts and emotions under control then begin your alternative medicine search: you may find you don't need to.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Found this video on your site. It sounds like a wonderful idea!
    1 person likes this.
  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Agree with xenxan that meditation is a good idea. It might be good to be in therapy, but I'm not sure what kind of therapy would be good for schizophrenia. Cognitive behavioral?

    I hold acupuncture and traditional chinese herbal medicine in high regard. I believe that it should be used as the first treatment for any chronic condition (with maybe a few exeptions, such as vitamin deficiencies)

    TCM has thousands of years of continuous use and development, many millions of patients, is supported by clinical evidence, and is endorsed by the World Health Organization for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions.

    The draw back isuy that it is often expensive, depending on where you live. You can get it pretty cheap from a teaching clinic.

    I'm skeptical about most other alternative treatments, thought there might be some good ones out there.

    You don't necessarily have to buy more expensive insurance as long as you can pay for the treatments out of pocket.

    Having positive face-to-face social contact with people and animals may be helpful.

    I remember seeing a story on tv where a man said that working with children helped him to control his schizophrenia.

    Don't know if that is true, but might be worth looking into.

    Keeping your stress level low in general might help.

    I'm sorry to hear that you are ill and I hope that things can get better soon!
  6. ShareShanti

    ShareShanti Members

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    Thanks for all the good feedback I received from you.
    I suffer from psychosis, and get these paranoid moments from it.
    Last weekend, working in the night I had this weird mind trip again, my colleages are new and that is nto helping.
    I find the symptoms go up if I'm put in new situations.
    Luckily I have positive relationships around me that give me good fuel. But I want to control the symptons and get rid of them without medication. I hate medication.
    Luckily they've already checked me for vitamin deficiancy's.
    I wanted cognitive therapy too, but they aren't really helping me with that. I think it's expensive and my case in't that urgent.
    meditation is a good idea too (but actually I don't like meditation) I can see why it is usefull. But the problem is is that I can't really take distance from my thoughts, you have to replace the thoughts I guess. But I think the replacement should be meaningfull.
    This weekend I tried solving my problem by just saying what was going on in my head. fortunately, it helped :)
    And many many thanks for that website, it looks pretty good :)
    I will look into it.

    O and newbie-one
    I work with children and they are amazing :)
    And I do my best to keep the stresslevels low.
    Thanks for the care :)
  7. WonderlostVW73

    WonderlostVW73 Midwest Librarian

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    I hate taking pills so I can relate. I also can relate to wanting to feel right without the medication. I've been having panic and anxiety attacks my whole life but doctors treated me for depression and gave me pills that either made me worse or made me crazy. So I refused to take anything for years.

    Still, I had the panic attacks and they actually got worse as I got older. I keep a prescription handy and more often than not, just knowing I have them make me feel less crazy. But I'm typing this at 5 am because I also don't sleep. I also have 6 pills for my insanely horrible migraine headaches. I still hate pills and only take them when I have to.

    My great Grandmother was schizophrenic and so is my friend's brother. They had no life without medication. Jed, lives to this day; on the street because he refuses to take his medications correctly and it's cost him a world of pain.

    My point is, your diagnosis falls somewhere in between my problem and theirs. Pills might become a part of your life, but medicine is a guessing game when it comes to mental health. It took years to find a treatment that worked for my migraines. Don't refuse the meds if you need them and don't feel bad if you need them to be a better you.
  8. ShareShanti

    ShareShanti Members

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    Thanks, I won't feel bad for needing them. It actually gives me an amount of inner peace, knowing that I can just bes sure of having real thoughts....
    Well.. I'll see what I'll do, next week I have an appointment with the doctor that is giving me the pills so we can find some more suitable for me.
    I also asked for alternatives, in the alternative medicine... She said this doctor knows more about it so I'm happy to find out soon enouh :)
  9. leyten

    leyten Members

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    I hope it can help :)

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