They also go on about how fantastic these countries are. But they do not see why they are good. It's interesting to me that although these people hate socialism so much their example of a perfect country is a socialist one with high taxes that fund public programs. It is no way the Libertarian/ Republican/ nationalist economy they seek where the government does nothing but make sure there is an army and polcie force to kick out foreigners. So it's an entirely racial thing. The country is good because it's full of white people who make a white culture not because of economic policy. They attribute all the good thins there to race. Only white people are smart enough to create this in their mind. In one breath they will tell you Scandinavia is hell with high taxes and no free market. In the next it's the greatest society in Europe. A place where people care for one another and have a strong sense of community which is of course non-existent in America thanks to the godless left who abort newborns and worship AOC. What kind of policy do these Scandinavian people have? One similar to the Green New Deal and other left wing Americans ones. For example there are many electric cars in Norway. The goverment encourages this. Can you imagine the partisan lobbying on this topic in America? Republicans will claim we are taking jobs from coal miners and GM factory workers. They will claim this feeds into the climate change lie. Why do you need electric cars when the earth is full of fuel and god handles the weather? It's always amusing to me to hear them swear up and down that it's unsafe for Nordic women to walk the streets for fear of rape from Muslim men. You see since these women are not dressed in a way Muslims approve of via Islam so the Muslims rape them like whores. It's unacceptable for a women to go out alone in Shara law so only whores will and Norway or Sweden's law is now Sharia. The local police are powerless to stop this since they have few guns and are slaves to tolerance. According to Alex Jones at least. Sadly stories from locals mean nothing since Jones and others of his ilk say otherwise. Personally I really respect the Scandinavian polices I see. They welcome outsiders. This upsets the alt-right. I will not deny there are SOME examples of violence due to Muslims. But it's very overblown and any Scandinavian I talk to who does not support Trump will say the same thing. That yes the police deal with this sometimes but it's not every Muslim who does bad things and it's not as if they are afraid to go outside.
Well Donald Trump does love Norway. I wonder if he’d love it quite as much if the 95.000 Africans which now call Norway their home all decided to immigrated to America? I wonder?
I think it'd be a good idea to go out and actually see the world rather than believe what you read on biased internet pages that some refer to as "research"
Didn't that already happen within a few months of Trump administration? While people screamed black and blue about racial immigration, a vast variety of Asian workers, most Chinese flocked to America for engineering and electrician prospects. Though I read about it, I've never heard one person talk about it. Not one. It didn't fit the racial agenda they go for, so as it didn't make Trump look like a racist, it got swept under the carpet.
It's much more difficult for foreign student to study at American university now. So in a way the competition for jobs is less. In the past these people would be recruited out of school so they don't leave the country if they are good enough. But schools are also loosing a lot of money. Local state resident or even local American tuition is less than the foreign.
Didn't work out so well for construction trades. Who dominated them in the 90s? Who dominates them now?
A more accurate portrayal of Norway. It shows that there are some cultural issues but they are overblown. I see the same sort of female hate from the American alt-right which has a large overlap with the MGTOW/Incel communities Both they and some Muslims take issues with women not under their control. Even Christianity itself has had the same issue of seeing man as more than a women so a women must be silent and submit. The Bible even says women are to be silent and not teach a man since she is women. Also the bible says if you rape a women just pay her dad some money and it's cool. Sort of same view as no go zone rapes don't you think? A women is a thing you can take. If you break her you buy it.
I’ll burn your house down. Too lazy to connect to vpn, @Irminsul, Black Metal this fool to death for me...
I'm well aware of black metal. I was deeply involved with it for a time and I learned all about the viking pride which I see now going to Islam. A white warrior is good to them.
He was obviously using it as an example as to why such immigrants get that course.. This thread is worthy alone just to see how annoyed Irms get with the subject And hey, you know if you can't be bothered with these subjects or the thread matter you could just not read or respond? If you dislike or disagree with how something was said or portrayed why not go into that. But if you got nothing why not just say nothing