im sorry i kept it so long BUT i FINALLY went to the post office today and it's now on it's way to skybutterflygal.....or should i say butterflygal
for about a month but it costed me like 20 bucks to mail it and first i would have no money, then something bad would happen, then id forget and on n on..... anywho, it's mailed.
ButterflyGal actually just returned to the forums not so long ago so if any of you knew her you can post in her recent intro
This would've been much funnier if you guys didn't read the time stamps... or at least didn't point it out to those who don't.
I got shit once for necroposting Crummyrummys intro...a supermod thought it was inappropriate to post in threads with deceased people
As far as i know Interval illusion became lucky stripe, I don't know what happened to lucky though...