Almost There

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by sixties_freak, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. sixties_freak

    sixties_freak Member

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    This spring so far I've been going barefoot more than ever before.This past week for example I've been barefoot 24/7. I really love it walking in stores and coffee shops,on dirty streets and buses. It's like I don't care what anyone thinks anymore.Well almost.
    The only person I'm worried about who won't like the fact I go barefoot is my landlord. He is very conservative.
    He's only seen me barefoot inside my apartment and he seems to give me funny looks.
    I worry about running into him when I'm barefoot outside my building. Where I live the
    Rents are high and the vacancy rate very low.
    I don't want to wind up homeless but I love going barefoot.
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  2. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    I'm no legal expert, but being barefoot should not create any violation of your lease. It's a good idea to have a signed copy of your lease agreement and understand the content no matter what. Unless there is some stipulation that prohibits bare feet on the property mentioned in the signed copy, then you are free to go.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    ^ i can't imagine any landlord evicting someone specifically for going barefoot, but i also know it's not smart to intentionally antagonize your landlord if you want to continue living there comfortably.
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  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My leased apartments have a shoes only requirement. I won't even let you sleep in bed without them. Always gotta have shoes on the carpet and tiles.

    Said no landlord ever.
  5. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Great to hear, that you are claiming your freedom! People close to you, as your landlord, are always the most difficult. Just make up a petty excuse when things go ugly ;)
  6. sixties_freak

    sixties_freak Member

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    Thanks for the replies everybody. The above quote is my real worry.I'll just play it by ear so to speak.

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