”Official” barefoot time is back (yes, yes, I know...). Bare your soles, boys and girls and etc, don’t let the bastards get you down!
Not sure where you are, but even at 7pm it's still 93 degrees, feels like 101. There is no way I would even attempt to walk barefoot on any kind of concrete surface when it's this hot. I would guess the sun would make blacktop well over 130. Inside - barefoot. Outside - sandals.
Too hot for any long barefoot walks today. I was really looking forward to finishing work and going for an awesome barefoot stroll around town, but I ended up cutting it short - just not pleasant when the pavements are that hot. Even though I was only out about half an hour, my soles were filthy. Must have been the tarmac melting. Never mind, I came home and sunbathed naked on the back lawn instead. Nice.
I know...all that heat builds up and you race for grass, shade, or a white line...but secretly it just feels so goddamn good even though it doesn’t???
I wish I could just make up when seasons start and end. I declare winter to be from December 30 - January 2 and then back to summer.
Here go VG. what's it say? June 2018 Calendar Printable with Holidays PDF and JPGJune 2018 Calendar Printable with Holidays PDF and JPG