Alleni Adventures

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by guerillabedlam, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I recently went to Golden Gate Park and picked some Magic Mushrooms which have been ID'd as Psilocybe Allenii. I shroomed tonight for the first time in years with this new Strain and it was pretty magnificent. I had fan dryed the mushrooms out over the weekend and made a makeshift dessicant to hopefully maintain their dryness, but as this was my first time Mushroom hunting I was eager to explore them as I am uncertain how long they will preserve. From what I read, this strain is about equal potent with Psilocybe Cyanscens and more potent than Psilocybe Cubensis. I plan on returning to Golden Gate Park for more of a heavy dose with these and will likely make an addendum to this post later but I thought I might share this first exploration with them as this is my first Mushroom experience since I've been on HF...

    I dosed roughly 1.5 grams around 6 pm.. I was exploring a local park. The onset came on fairly quick yet it was very gentle bringing me up. There was a strong glow at the beginning and then a slight fog over my consciousness which wasn't unpleasant, but a noticeable shift in consciousness. The effects picked up, there was a slight queasiness but overall in a good mood, I listened to a lot of music and thoroughly enjoyed it. I got some fairly good visuals as the darkness came on, some notable ones the trees seemed to have faces on them, the ground became wavy, Tracers and auras off lights, my legs seemed really long. I went for a walk at one point where I couldn't really see much in front of me but was familiar with the path and intersecting, geometric patterns came out to display in front of my eyes. Behind closed eyes large cyclone spinning fractals, which seemed to sync up with the music I had playing fairly well.

    I mostly listened to a lot of psytrance and psybient type stuff, fairly captivated by the music but at times I'd felt more inclined to not really listen to music and just kind of soak in the night. I alternated between being energetic to more sedate at some points. The glow and organic feel from mushrooms is something that I really miss and while this was a good trip, it's got me eager to explore these shrooms in Golden Gate Park...
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Sweet.. a sense of nostalgia just crept in :p Must be pretty strong, cos visually, that sounds like a nice 1.5g trip :0

    Good luck with future picks dude, look forward to hearing some more reports :2thumbsup:
  3. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Isn't it nice and a slightly different "feel" when ingesting something you have grown or foraged yourself rather than purchased with filthy lucre?

    They sound pretty potent. I'm guessing you are definitely going to go foraging again.
  4. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Really interesting to me. I've collected and cultivated beds of cyanescens and have seen that morphology and I treated it as though they were var. of cyan.
    Micological taxonomy is constantly changing and the ranges of this complex of psilocybe species is expanding because they are cosmopolitan, doing well in man made environments.

    Their nearness to the coast is reminiscent of the habitat of Azurescens which is restricted natively to the mouth of the Columbia river and again is nearly related to cyanescens but as you know, magnitudes more potent.
  5. Ol' Zeus

    Ol' Zeus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    That sounds like the perfect introductory trip on woodloving Psilocybes. Now get out there and find lots more!
  6. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    It was a surprisingly visual trip, strong at moments but fairly relaxed for most of it.

    Yah, there is something rewarding in the whole process of finding these out in nature, reflection on this crossed my mind a few times during the trip.

    Yes it was a quality introduction to the woodlovers and thanks for the guidance.. Regarding finding more, Will do ! :D
  7. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i agree, those sound like some potent mushrooms.
    how much does your first hunt weigh in total?
  8. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I got about a 1/4

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