1. My mom stole one of the two hits of acid I bought, I only took 1. 2. My ex-gf just told me she slept with around 22 people after we broke up, and 2 before we started dating. 3. My dad caught me smoking at home, and broke my bong. Other than that i'm happy to be back on hip forums.
So you took a hit of acid and your ex-girlfriend didn't cheat on you. Damn, your life sucks :biggrin:
I'm interested in knowing how your mom stole a hit of acid from you but your dad got pissed about you smoking and broke your bong.
I'm assuming they live in the same house but, of course, I could be wrong about that. But if they do live in the same house, how odd would it be that one would be pissed about smoking some weed while the other is swiping acid...but still leaving a hit for her son?
my parents live together; my dad used to do all kind of drugs and would smoke weed with me while my mom never touched any mind altering substance and was completely against them.
Hmm...that's interesting. Seriously. Did they ever argue about it or did she just not care one way or the other if he did whatever?
right........ so that's Sex and Drugs covered. Did your music iThing bust too? Oh diddums.... When you've got disabling injuries and been in constant pain for years get back to me.