I'm getting as many people as possible to wear all black on Inaguration Day to mourn the death of freedom of speech, democracy, and equal rights. It would be great if people all over were doing this, and not just people in a small town high school. Just a thought, and I realize there's going to be people, such as whispers and the such, who are going to come in and say" lyk omg th@ w0nt d00 nething!!!11" but personally I don't care, it's not supposed to damage any part of society, or "bring down the man", it's just a quiet thing.
I understand what you're saying, and I'd hate to agree with whispers (in this case) but this is something that would be kinda pointless if done all by itself. I'd say that you should look into some other other tactics to go along with it. Maybe print flyers off the internet and post them up around town (busstops, phonebooths, phone polls, etc). check out www.infoshop.org it has so much helpful info that it'll keep you busy for weeks
i actually like the idea........but have your message printed on the black tees in bold white .....then people will know what it stands for......... in fact start printing them up yourself and pass them out with a donation so you can print more see whispers is not always mean............
I passes a sheet around school about boycotting the stores and wearing black. Now im circulating it through email..
Thanks alot, I've already been spreading it around my school and hopefully alot of peopel will participate.
I too am going to D.C. I am going to witness the inaugration though. Good luck with your protest, i'll have fun showing respect to an elected leader.
Here's a couple of links for others who are down with Black Thursday: Black Thursday.org Black out your website in protest. It's a simple statement. The more the better. A population hitting the internet and coming across one blacked out site after another. Bushblackout.com
"elected leader" I think you mean *appointed*. Get the terminology right. To the witty person with the shirt, the very notion of "commies" died when the Berlin Wall fell. This hasn't been a real battle about even the idea of communism since the Vietnam era. Update your sloganeering.
Im no bushie or anything, but this time around, sadly enough, he did get the popular vote. The definition of Elected is: "To select by vote for an office or for membership" TRUE "One that is chosen or selected." TRUE To appoint is to: "To select or designate to fill an office or a position" TRUE "To fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement" FALSE (I dont think it was a very mutual aggreement by the people.) Elected official seems to be the more fitting slogan.
I'm dyin' to know how it went. On the note of 'elected' vs 'appointed' vs 'jabberwocky bs' .... If we had two truly noble candidates both of them would have demanded investigations on behalf of the people of the United States. It wouldn't still be floating around out there, unanswered.
After today, I heartily concur and follow with some lyrics: [size=-1] Freedom is a state of mind, A mind is a state of being, Stay the Fuck outta my mind and my being. I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um got um on a short leash (x3) I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um divide and disease I dont cry when the police die cause they probably deserved it, Run around with a badge and a gun And they god damn fuck with everyone. Inforce rules made by fools, Violence and fear there tools They dress to impress with there laws they arrest And they leave us powerless I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um got um on a short leash (x3) I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um divide and disease We have created a reality based on fear where a terrorist a ganster or a police can take away ur freedom or your sense of security at any time. I don't cry when a Gangster dies cause he probably deserved it, They run around with a bag and a gun And they god damn fuck with everyone, Inforce rules made by fools Violence and fear there tools They dress to impress thinkin fear is respect And they leave us powerless. I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um got um on a short leash (x3) I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um divide and disease A society that incarartes there own population for any minor infraction where there is 100's upon 1000's of pages and pages of laws and reason for the district atourney and the local juristiction and the justice system to put its entire force to removing an individual from his family connection and make him sepreate from the tribal earth. I dont cry when a terrorist dies cause he probably desevered it, Run around with a bomb and a gun, And they god damn fuck with every one. Inforce rules made by fools, Violence and fear there tools. Bombs fall from the sky And a mom as she cries as she watches her baby die. I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um got um on a short leash (x3) I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um divide and disease I dont fault the police I dont fault the police I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um got um on a short leash I dont fault the police Cause the people that run um divide and disease Corporate Avenger: New Album real soon. btw, I wore black all day long with a white armband. Tonite, though, let's pass out some flyers. He, he, Wallie world looks good for the 'criminal' posters. yar har har. I'm also a red blooded AMERICAN, who knows the true meaning of liberty. Liberty is that which is indefinable but for the motion of the ocean. [/size]