What is a drainbow? The Drainbows I've met seem to be mostly young people. They've reached young adulthood with the values taught by their authority figures, parents, teachers, video games, and tv. Unfortunately, with that culture, they've learned to feel entitled. While they may have stepped off the path their parents may have chosen for them, they're waking up and really want to be a part of the Rainbow Family, they don't know how because they've not been taught what it really means to live cooperatively. They don't know yet that it takes all of us to create our families and that it's a cooperative effort, they've never lived it. I believe it's up to the elders to teach them what they've missed. I realize that there will be resistance from them, they 'don'wanna'...well, tough love, baby! We all know that current society has changed family structures, and that many young people grow up without authority figures in their lives. We also know that we learn from our experiences...perhaps it's time for us to give them the experience of working for what they receive...it's what our elders did for us...we learned, now we must teach.
The further away from the rainbow gather I get the less people understand what it means to be a hippy and I'm sure that's always been the case. As for the younger generation, an archeologist once discovered a cuneiform tablet dated to a hundred years after the invention of writing. The author complained that writing was ruining their children who no longer bothered to memorize everything.
In New Mexico, we had a hell of a time getting the older crowd to pitch in with labor. But they were in the kitchen come meal time. The kids were digging. Sure some bliss bunnies were, um, less than helpful, but all in all, the majority of people up to about 50 were willing to pitch in. Self starting was low with the young ones. But once asked, they did the task.
so there's an element of people being selfish/irresponsible, but there's other factors when you help out at a gathering, there's always (always!) someone who takes that as an invitation to cop a power trip and start giving you orders. some people may get turned off from helping because of that I agree that drainbows are a problem, but I also think that getting authoritarian would more or less destroy what rainbow gatherings are about. If people are fed up with doing more than their share, maybe you could go on strike. That may be a way to get the results you want without trying to control anyone else.
bliss bunny Male or female who just wants to have a good time. One who doesn't like to do anything. Just having a good time is alright. That's all they need.They are "bliss bunny" for sure.