Today, the retired head of the Israeli Space Security agency declared that aliens are here. Trump has dealt with them. They have an underground base on Mars, which humans have visited. We signed a deal with them that allows them to drop in for research. Part of the deal is we have to keep their visits secret. Do you think it believable? The Israeli guy is in his eighties. He may be senile. (But I tend to believe it.)
You should listen to the Joe Rogan's podcast, yesterday he interviewed Jacques Vallée a world-renowned figure in the field of unidentified aerial phenomena, and.James Fox, the director of 'The Phenomenon':a new documentary about UFOs and a global effort to conceal their existence.
No. Humans simply don't keep secrets that well. A compelling argument I once read for why we've never encountered extraterrestrial life; It may be the nature of all technologically advanced societies to "flash in the pan"; they quickly arise, polluting their environment, destabilizing their climate, over-populating and consuming all of their natural resources, then suddenly crash and disappear long before they could even begin to develop the capacity for interstellar travel.
Not credible at all. "...Signed a deal with them that allows them..." is a certain giveaway. Beings capable of inter-stellar travel would have no more need to negotiate a written agreement with humans found on this planet than you do before deciding how you will deal with an insect you find crawling in your bathroom sink. You may grab a kleenex. You don't pull up a Word template and start drafting terms and conditions, nor representations and warranties. The insect has no say in the matter.
Well Trumps crazy attorney Sidney Powell did say it was aliens that manipulated the dominion voting machines. Everyone brushed it off because, well, she is crazy. But this one time she may have actually told the truth.
back when I was in boarding school in 1995 I had a friend - Phil - who would detail a story about his encounter... I never knew what to make of that - this was before the internet was popular at all; no one had it, and further we were in the system of schools. We didn't have access. Their was no real propaganda or true motive that I could think of for Phil to lie. And there was a social climate of complete honesty "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and lots of emphasis placed on telling the truth with regard to your personal history (It was an intensive therapy akin to Synanon's group sessions if you've heard of that... really interesting curriculum at emotional growth boarding school. Paris Hilton tells the story reasonably well... *Just search This is Paris on YouTube* She was in the same system of boarding schools that I refer to; albeit years later.) Anyway, Phil wouldn't have lied; unless he did... And I was never sure what to believe.
I also remember the acid hits we took in high school that shared the moniker "aliens". There were "black aliens" and "purple aliens". O_O I don't know why they didn't make other colors, but there it is...
Quite true. Unless they spiritually matured as fast as their technology (something which we have abjectly failed to do), they'd probably approach a new planet like we would; as a new wilderness to clearcut, strip-mine, frack, use the remains as a toxic waste dump, and then pave over and build their equivalent of a Wal-Mart Supercenter upon.
I'm afraid that ship's already sailed. We've single-handedly created the Anthropocene Mass Extinction Event, irrevocably put climatic forces in motion we can't control, barely understand, and which quite possibly might not be survivable as a species, and our collective response has been to compulsively add further fuel to the fire and try to repeal The Enlightenment.
There's is a simple choice of options "Either humans are the only intelligence in the Universe, or they are not" when it comes to the odds - the calculation of logic points to only one truth. We would be arrogant in the extreme to think that have not, are nor will not be 'visited' by something other that which we know. (But ten as a (human) race we are just so. There are so many clues; be they physical, legendary or mentally challenging to the most intelligent, not to acknowledge the number of anomalies steeped in out 'his-story' not to make one wonder 'How' things were and/or played out. Be it a God or Big Brother Body, someone is always watching us ... IMO
Angel is it not more than likely that our universe is also a location and it is conjoined with other universes. A multiverse. Like a leaf is a location upon a tree.
Leaked Government Photo Shows ‘Motionless, Cube-Shaped’ UFO An unclassified image that’s reportedly been circulated among U.S. intelligence agencies shows what appears to be unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), the Pentagon’s term for unidentified flying objects. The object in the photo has been described by U.S. officials as silver and “cube-shaped,” according to a report from The Debrief, which first shared the image. The leaked photo dates back to 2018, when it materialized in an intelligence report from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), the Department of Defense’s (DoD) official unit that investigates UAP sightings.