This is my biggest nightmare being a father of a teenage daughter. This is an amazing story and I'm so happy this girl got away. What these 3 guys did to this 15 year old is dispicable: Story (below) A kidnapped Minnesota teen bravely swam across a lake to safety from her abductors after nearly a month in captivity. Jasmine Block, 15, was reunited with her family this week after she disappeared from her Alexandria home in August, news station WCCO reported. Three men were arrested in connection to her disappearance. Police identified the suspects as Thomas Barker, 32, Joshua Holby, 31, and Steven Powers, 20. Authorities said the 15-year-old was acquainted with at least one of the suspects. Barker reportedly convinced the teen to get in a car on Aug. 8 and brought her to a Carlos home, where she was repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted. “Barker tied her up with zip ties and then he, his roommate, and friend over the next several weeks assaulted her and threatened her with weapons,” Alexandria Police Chief Rick Wyffels said. Modal Trigger Sarah Block (left) posted this photo online with her daughter, Jasmine, soon after she returned home.Facebook On Tuesday afternoon, the captors left the teen alone for the first time and she made her escape, news station KARE reported. The 15-year-old went to several homes for help, but no one answered, so she swam across Thompson Lake. Once on shore, she ran to a farm, where a man called 911. The teen was taken to a hospital, where she was treated for minor injuries. “This is an unbelievable young woman,” Wyffels said. “She has a lot of strength. We think a lot of her and her family. They’re all amazing people.” Police said the three suspects remain in custody and face charges for kidnapping, false imprisonment and assault.
just take the piles of shit into the back lot and put bullets through their minuscule brains... done, problem solved
Jeezus, the one on the right looks as creepy as **** Should be the death penalty for this kind of thing
At a minimum, what they did to her, should automatically happen to them. I pass by people on the street everyday that look just like these assholes
do you often judge criminal behavior on a persons face?.....those 3 dudes look like 3 blue collar union guys and nothing else....people don't ''look'' like kidnappers.... if any person here thinks they could tell in advance by any of those 3 pictures that these dudes are creepy the they are delusional.....without the rape story to go under the picture the 3 dudes could be in a story about rescuing people from a fire or what have you don't get me wrong.....I hate this crime and want the people to never get out of jail but saying things like above is just emotions talking bullshit the reason you see these guys everywhere everyday is because they look normal compared to every other white guy with a mug shot
Point taken, but it still doesn't change what I said. I'm making that statement based off of everything I've seen and experienced up to this point in my life. I have been called the "N" word multiple times amongst other remarks, attacked by being run down with vehicles and shot at, and my wife and daughter have been looked at in very sickening ways..... By assholes who look JUST LIKE THIS! It's what I've become very familiar with for 49 years. So, yeah, it may be my emotions talking, but I've lived this. And you know what, some of my best friends look JUST LIKE THESE ASSHOLES!
People should learn to trust their intuition more though, you cant tell by looking at a picture but I know I can certainly tell in person not by the face but by the entire presentation. Some people just give me a creeper vibe right off the bat. I think a lot of people ignore this vibe because they dont want to seem mean or judgemental, but usually your first impression of someone is correct
as a black person you must be against police profiling? man in a nice car gets pulled over for only that reason?......and here you are doing the exact same thing.....shameful imo any thoughts that you people can tell by your gut feelings is just society shaping your opinions of what people look like...god forbid any of you need to go work somewhere like a ''tent city'' where every goddamned person is unbathed and ''rough'' looking.....honestly if you think i'm wrong I guess you will also be posting in the astrology forum lol
Well, there's danger to be found in "tent city" as well. I'm assuming you are referring to humanitarian relief or dislocated civilian camp situation. Totally different to the points being made here, but since you went there, understand that there are a percentage of those people amongst that group of misfortuned souls, that really are out to do no good and are looking for an opportunity to take advantage of someone, I.e. robbing, raping, murdering, etc. If you are referring to that line of work, and if this is what you do, I hope you go about it with some streets smarts and take into consideration what I just said and to never ever let your guard down. Other than questioning my rational way of thinking supported by personal real life experience with the matter, you've provided absolutely nothing but criticism...again. I'm assuming you've lived a sheltered life, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you are clueless and you really don't care. You've brought nothing to the table here that has been useful to me, just what perceives to be attacks. You are either purposefully say things that are totally irrelevant to the topic or you could very well be offended because you might look JUST LIKE ONE OF THESE ASSHOLES!
To punish these guys, they should be locked away for ten years till that girl and her family heal, then ask her, the victim what she wants done with them.. Good job they are not in UK, they be out now for good behaviour!
Yes. Maybe not all. Why do you think people that have been badly abused end up in abusive relationships? There's an interesting book that talks about this kind of development Anyway all this is kind of off topic, I was just responding to meliai that not all people have that "natural gut instinct" when it comes to recognising danger.