I eat less too but that's just because I know my body can't handle eating and drinking at the same time. It's one of the other. Not 18 anymore and body won't digest like it could when I was 18. So, if I'm drinking I'll eat beforehand. But I already know, that a few quiet beers will in fact make me hungry but I don't need to read any science behind it. Alcohol increased heart rate and blood flow, an increased heart rate is an increase in calorie burning, calorie burning speeds metabolism, speedy metabolism = hunger.
When I drink beer I just want more beer. Next day though I'll eat my way through half my fridge. If i go teetotal, which I am sort of planning to do for a while I eat a lot less. This is old news.
D'uuuuuuuuh Alcohol has been around for 5000 years Millions of years if you include overly ripened fruit Yeah, but we need a study to work out people are more likely to want to shove a kebab down their face when drunk D'uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh no shit
Alcohol flips my brain into "Doesn't Give A Shit" mode. Not sure how one would test that on mice though.
A friend of mine had a rat named bubbles. Bubbles loved beer, he use to give him a little cap full sometimes. Bubbles was fat.
I definitely do not get munchies on alcohol to the same extent as I get munchies when stoned. I primarily like more alcohol when drunk as well.