The cons have been looking for a way to destroy liberal arts, like SNL.....FOUND IT!!! They are already considering expelling him.... Al Franken Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Every celebrity and politician who at some point in the past did something inappropriate must be sweating bullets right now.
Yeah. What has been happening the last couple of weeks is pretty unprecedented. Sexual assault has long been swept under the rug. Also as a side note and speaking of being swept under the rug, so I just found out, like yesterday, that Bill Clinton was accused of violent rape and that during his 1991 campaign high profile feminists like Gloria Steinam wrote victim blaming pieces defending Clinton. I was a child in '91 so that explains how I missed that, but that's one that was swept under the rug by Democrats for a long time. Anyways I bring that up because even Bill Clinton is finally getting his comeuppance, when I was looking into this yesterday I saw that he has been called out by several liberal leaning sites in the last few days, so his own people are turning on him. A lot of men have been outed as being sexual abusers in the last couple of weeks, and yet people still arent talking about the accusations of rape and sexual assault against Trump, why? Why does he always make it out unscathed?
Halloween was last month.. This witch-hunting is laughable at most. I do get a good giggle out the anti-trumpies. #whynothim
and I am as anti trump as they come, and I don't really care how much you laugh...Laugh your heart out. have at it.
Folks, this is all an example of classic blowback. Consider how many times reprehensible behavior has been glossed over, swept under the rug and anyone who called it out was shouted down as "sexist" or even "racist". Personally, I doubt such old matters will get anything close to a fair hearing in a real court. But just look at how the rats flee the sinking ship in the court of popular opinion. We're watching the effects of "political correctness" gone awry. Think about it, anarchists do their best work when they use the system's own rules against them. BOTH political parties fail this example miserably.
I'm looking for astrological implications here from recent stirrings of the former planet Pluto... bad doggy! That 'planet' is associated with death and rejuvenation amongst other things, like secrets being revealed.
Years ago a male brothel was also found to be operating out of the house Franken was living in with his boyfriend. Not surprised to hear about these recent allegations.... against ANY of the people being called out. EDIT: Nevermind. I was thinking of Barney Frank. I was high af when I made that post.
Exactly, Donald Trump's Sexual Assault Accusers Demand Justice The recent accusations of sexual misconduct against a long list of powerful men in Hollywood and other industries have been widely believed — and led to resignations, loss of careers and other fallout. Meanwhile, some of the women who accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment or assault during the presidential campaign wonder when the president might finally pay a price for what he allegedly did to them. Donald Trump's Sexual Assault Accusers Demand Justice in the #MeToo Era: 'We Were Forgotten'
its good to see the whole guilty until proven innocent thing is alive and well in the US i was starting to lose faith
does the photo show her resisting?..did she report it at the time?... if theres photos why are they just making these allegations now?...
I'm pretty sure that this just goes to show how common sexual misconduct against women really is. Go girls!