Hows that for a random thought... Ahhhh!!!! My left ear feels really weird... it fells kinda like I've just gotten out of the pool for two days now. What kind of world is it where q-tips don't fix all ear problems?! Argh!!!
ive had a clogged ear for months..dont know if it ever came unclogged cause i think ive gotten use to it being clogged so yeah
Try a couple of drops of peroxide. Flush your ear out. If that doesn't work there is medicine you can buy without a perscription at the drug store. Try flushing it out first. Good luck.
i have heard that they have those big wick type things that goes into the ear, you light the end of it,and it somehow draws the wax out.........i think you can get them at a health food type store. I dont know if it works or not, my sister uses them. we use peroxide it tickles.
my friend was in the hospital for three days because she busted her eardrum with a q-tip. fuck q-tips, that shit sucks. maybe youre just going deaf or something.
Jiimaan? Holy shit... How many metamorphosis hast though gone through? Still pissing people off I see. Well its good to see ya. -> sarcastic face.
I hope so... natures degraded itself to being cliched by Idiots on message boards. Still obsessed with me aren't ya. maybe if you're thought process was to evolve you could think more like me... Then again... considering your primative fear of change, maybe not. The worlds changing... Those who adapt thrive, and those who reject change grow extinct. But I don't see why I should try and educate someone who's pro-starvation.
Don't flatter yourself. I'm hardly obessessed with you. I pity you and think you to be ignorant and stupid and in need of constant correction because your ignorance causes you to have many, many misconceptions. I don't ever remember stating that I'm pro-starvation, but by the looks of it you are. You would prefer to see the population of the planet continue to grow, and to facilitate this growth through the use of science and technology under the guise of benevolence. Yet, even with all of our scientific advancement, there is a point where there will not be enough food, and the end result will be starvation. I on the other hand would prefer regulating population and a more equitable distribution of the worlds wealth so that everyone can have a high standard not at the expense of nature. People who embrace science always seem to think of themselves as "progressive". This is far from the case, and you are a perfect example. Your beliefs are archaic and outmoded, and ultimately regressive.
Then why would you post some political diatribe in my thread about my ear? You just love hearing me speak... I don't blame you. :H