Ah yes, university begins

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Rasheeke, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Rasheeke

    Rasheeke Member

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    Another chapter in my life has now begun. University. I'm fairly excited for it. Back at home I had a very lenient mother who was alright with me smoking weed. my mother isn't here, and neither is the leiniency. So this is my first time actualyl having to worry about getting caught. My house don says that it's her job to inforce rules about that shit, so of course I'm taking the necisary precautions with stashing weed. But I'm still a tad paranoid about getting caught smoking it in this new town and being caught on campus stoned and such. As soon as I make it to my room I'm safe though.

    I was wondering how everyone else dealt with the change of university, and how it affected there smoking habits and what they did to avoid getting caught.
  2. shortjew

    shortjew Member

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    Well, you could always get a vapo, no smell, no smoke. It's what I did in the dorms. That and stashing your weed in a ceiling tile or such.
  3. -steve-

    -steve- Member

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    Fuck vaporizers, man i'd just advice u bring some visine and maybe some axe or something. Man I can't wait till i'm done highschool, first thing i'm doing is ordering some salvia and a mushroom grow kit of the internet.
  4. SliceNDice

    SliceNDice Member

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    I found a list of the best stoner colleges from High Times magazine they are:

    * 10) University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

    * 9) Wesleyan University, Middeltown, Conn.

    * 8) Humboldt State University, Arcata.

    * 7) New College of Florida, Sarasota, Fla.

    * 6) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

    * 5) Hampshire College, South Amherst, Mass.

    * 4) University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.

    * 3) University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.

    * 2) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

    * 1) University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.

    I think I'll go to Hampshire College :p
  5. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    i think the general point is that it becomes -easier- to smoke weed at uni/college
  6. Rasheeke

    Rasheeke Member

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    Well, our university just had a decent party for frosh. Gamblin' and dancin' and shit. Afterwords a new friend of mine and I burned a session. I was on my wy back to my room promising myself that as soon as I got to the third floor, I'd be safe. I get there, and there's my don chekcin' things out. Nothing too snoopy, she some people were drinking.

    Other than that it was an all around good time. Too abd there's a firedrill at 9:30 AM. Bummer.
  7. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    dude a vaporizer is the best thing you can use for smoking in your room (no, odor, no smoke), its also healthier for your lungs because your not inhaling solid matter and carcinogens into your lungs...
    fuck vaporizers?
    fuck your couch.

    and to rasheeke, what are you taking in university?
  8. goofydrummer

    goofydrummer Senior Member

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    yo, my brudduh went to hampshire. thats quite a small school, hey maybe ill see you there if i go.
  9. Rasheeke

    Rasheeke Member

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    I am taking Honours physics. Well i'm n ot sure if it's honours. but after that i plan on going into astro physics or something along those lines. It's sweet to know that
    a)my school has a device that can bring things down to temperatures 1/1000 of a degree on the kelvin scale and that

    b) only me and a bunch of others would find that cool
  10. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    maybe thc is secretly a superconductor
  11. GanjaPrince

    GanjaPrince Banned

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    Well there were the two times I lived on campus at two different schools one in jersey, one in cali.

    Each time I sort of ran into people on campus that toked up, and they helped me with the way you got away with it, the smoke spots, room fire inspection, and so on.

    And from that information, I learned how to not get caught.
  12. SunDrake

    SunDrake Member

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    Cover your smoke detector with a hair pull and a plastic bag. Open your window. Put a fan on one side of the room blowing toward the window. If you think there might still be risks you could invest in a cheap air purifier (sucks the smoke out of the air), put a towel at your door crack, etc.

    Have fun, but be smart about it. :)
  13. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    of course, if u get caught u could just say its experimentation for a project...

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