Afraid Of Dating Anyone Because Of My Schizophrenia

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Feeling Grand, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Feeling Grand

    Feeling Grand Members

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    I discovered I was gay at twenty-one but have not kissed a girl or done anything romantic with one since my discovery.
    I'm really afraid of getting involved with a woman because of my schizophrenia, for being judged right off the bat and being left because of something I can't help (just like how I can't help being gay.)
    I've ended up barely even trying to meet girls (especially the last six to eight months). I'm twenty-three now and have never had a relationship but feel no one would ever love me because of my illness. And I can't lie to someone and expect them to fall in love with me without being honest straight off the bat.
    I just thought I would ask actual lesbians if not having ever been in a relationship and having schizophrenia would be a big issue to a relationship? But I feel I already know the response.
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't have this condition but I think you don't have to almost wear a sign around you're neck announcing it.

    I think all relationships go through a trial period and many of them end before telling your most important "secrets".

    I also think there comes a time in a relationship that it is necessary to reveal things your potential partner needs to know.

    I don't feel like it's tricking someone up front.

    My husband has a medical condition that he did not tell me about until I was already in love with him, and him with me. It made no difference in how much I loved him.

    It was difficult for him to tell me because he held the same fears you do.

    Just go lightly and gently, expecting the best if you're giving your best.
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  3. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    do you have any obvious symptoms? like if i just met you would i be able to tell? if not then i think you shouldn't worry about it. everyone has secrets when they first meet ya know.
  4. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    If you have your condition controlled then there is no reason to bring it up at the start of dating. It is obviously something that at some point you will need to share if you build a relationship but not something you need to disclose on the first few dates.
  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    this is something that would be good to talk to a therapist about
  6. broony

    broony Banned

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    Keep your eyes up and focusing on the future regardless of your condition or whatever the shit may bring.

    Stay positive, believe in yourself and do what needs to be done.

    Best of luck you dealing with shit I never have.

    Stay positive.
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  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    When someone cares about you they will do all they can to help and support you. It's probably true that there will be difficult times because of your condition that a "normal" couple would not go through but every couple has some sort of issue. One of my good friends who has since dies was schizophrenic. But she was my friend because she was still a good person. It did not matter about the condition because of that. Sure sometimes she acted a bit odd but I was ready for that. You just have to find someone who will do that for you.
  8. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    You want to date women but you're gay??
  9. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Gay doesn't only apply to men.

    Anyways, you don't have to tell people until you feel comfortable doing so. It's not like you have to go up to girls and say "hi I'm schizophrenic, want to go out?"

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