Advice Please- Should I Get Her Number & Pursue This Further?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by saturnisking, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. saturnisking

    saturnisking Members

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    Hey guys, so REALLY LONG story short.. a while back I met this girl just from casual conversation. Somehow along the way, we started speaking more and more. In the midst of all that, I started noticing her staring and looking at me more and joking around with me more. I always wear a vest and she would always walk up to me asking me if I'm cold since I'm wearing a vest. She asked about over 10 times. She's always starting random conversations about random stuff and walking up to me talking. Typing it right now, it just makes her seem friendly (which she could be) but it's just a vibe and feeling.., but I don't know if I am overanalyzing :(.
    The other day, she walked up and down my lane at my register, (didn't buy anything) smiled at me, told me she isnt going to buy anything then left. As she left, i caught her look back at me twice. I catch her looking at me from distances often. The other day her and I finished work at the same time, I think she was going to ask me to travel home with her (on public transit, not to her actual home LOL) but I had a ride waiting for me. :(
    I even caught her side eyeing me once for about 10 seconds.. she was at a seperate lunch table than i was..
    Anyway, I thiiink she knows I'm gay. I'm not sure about her...I'm trying to figure it out..slowly but surely. should I try to get her number or no
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Just casually ask her to grab coffee or lunch sometime.
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  3. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    Yep ... agree with Aerianne ... try to take it up a notch, but go carefully and slowly. Maybe you're right (you probably are) ... but make sure you leave a face-saving exit route for everyone in case you're not.
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  4. saturnisking

    saturnisking Members

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    I still didn't get her number & I am moving very slowly lol.. The thing is she knows for sure I am lesbian, it came up in conversation, she never said anything back about her orientation. She jokes around with me a lot more than before, but whether she's just being friendly or as someone else pointed out to me, maybe she's in the closet. I guess time will tell for now.

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