Will be brief. Straight mfm. First time. With black man joining white couple, also apparently lots of experience with mfm threesomes and first times. Started fine and then new male started being dominant and controlling the situation pulling her around. I tried to have sex with her for a while but could not get my penis into her as she kept moving away. Eventually got frustrated and pretended i hurt my penis a bit and got them to stop. In the bathroom I told my gf this was not the case and I was not having fun at all. I wanted to stop but was told by both to come try again. I did not want to but felt so much pressure. Tried a few more times and was like a nightmare. I was mouthing to her for a while I HATE THIS PLEASE STOP and was ignored. At one point i was under her and speaking to her saying please please stop I hate this I hate this I hate this and crying and she just looked at me so angry and then her head was on my stomach as she was being fucked and she was moaning while i felt like my life was ending. THis was the final straw for me and I left them alone and went to the bathroom. They continued even after I convinced her to come to the bathroom from the doorway a few times she was just cruel to me and kept going back to him. I was in shock (still am). I then directly asked numerous times them both to stop. Also he 100% knew early on that i wanted it to end and would say things like dont put pressure on her and she wants this and she would just smile at him. Eventually I had enough and came out of the bathroom. They were doing something hidden out of the bedroom and when i came around corner stopped whatever it was and he quickly said its cool man its cool man. I said ive asked at least 5 times to stop thats enough now and it pretty much finished there when she said I dont think hes having fun sorry. She actually apologised to him. She then pretty much went to sleep on the bed as he got dressed and left while saying I thought you were cool to my girlfriend directly and looking pissed off. There was a camera with not great angle but that captured parts of it and he asked for this to be deleted before he left. I just was in shock and yeah he left then ignoring me and saying thanks to her and hugging her. We have a two year old child. I dont know what to do. Suicide? Leave her and never see my son and also an extra note this is my DREAM girl my soul mate I love her so so much its unbearable and 100% dont think about other women I only want her and her to be happy and have fun was the idea. What happened I feel has traumatised me so much I need to die or help. Please tell me am I overreacting??
Surely you talked about all that could happen during this? If not, then you were very Nieve! That's why there is a very small bunch of people go with this fantasy, for some it might work, for some it might not! I guess your in the second bunch, good luck now you got your wife's fantasy out the bag, because it's now obviously one that should have been kept locked away! You have to talk, explain its not your thing after all, if she wants to do it again, against your will, tell her, it will be like she is cheating on you, unless your willing to ..erm, is it cuckold?
This reads like the plot to some weird quasi racist after school special about the evils of having a threesome with a black man. Your girlfriend will lose respect for you, want him more, they'll both call you a little pussy for not wanting to play along. I think this may have happened in some BBC cuckold porn movie, or some Penthouse Forums type story. C/S, Rev J
You should have kicked him out of your house if he didn't follow "the rules" Dude you let the situation turn you into a little bitch, and probably just threw away your relationship.
Did you get into this mfm thing to just keep your gf happy?Either way,doesn't there need to be ground rules that all of you should follow?Example?"If one of us wants everything to stop,then we stop"type thing?Did'nt you discuss all this before the guy showed up?Did you think about how it would make you feel emotionally?Are you going to be able to trust her from now on?You can't turn back time,so you have to deal with whats happened.You obviously didnt enjoy the experience,and thats fine!You'll never have to again but what about your gf?Is she going to be happy just with you?If you love this lady,and want to stay together,you'll need to be honest with her and tell her how it affected you.My motto?Keep you life as simple as possible!
Time for some truth tellin' here. First off, suicide is not the answer. Neither is killing her or the other guy. Get those thoughts out of your head NOW. This is a messed up situation, but you will get through it, if you decide to. Your so-called "girlfriend" does not sound like a dream girl or a soul mate. She sounds like a nightmare and a selfish bitch. She knew you were freaking out over the situation - you told her several times - yet she would not stop. She wanted what she wanted - a big black cock - and she didn't care how it affected you. In my book, THAT'S A DEAL-BREAKER. The other guy was an asshole - he wanted what he wanted - white pussy - and he didn't care how it affected you. No surprises there. Given the way she acted, she cared more about his satisfaction and her own - than she did about you and your wants and needs. Once again, in my book - THAT'S A DEAL-BREAKER. Bottom line: Kick her sorry ass to the curb and get on with healing and with your life. Learn form this mistake. People make bad choices sometimes but the other two "people" in the situation made it way worse than it had to be by a factor of 1000 with their selfish behavior. There are custody and visitation rights laws that she will have to answer to with regard to your parental rights to visit your son. Make her answer to those laws. I hope you will decide that your life is more important than this self-entitled, psychopath bitch. Leave her now if you haven't yet done so and get on with your life. I hope the best for you and I hope you will keep us posted on how you decide to proceed.
I think the OP should come clean that it was all a fantasy and join the Klan since what he is posting is a racially based stereotype. This is the type of racist bullshit that most interracial porn seems to use as it's calling card/target audience. C/S, Rev J