Advice For Wheelchair-Bound People Seeking Enjoyment.

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Jimbee68, May 14, 2023.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    A handicapped guy, possibly quadriplegic, was seeking advice on another message board. Anyway I think he was just too embarrassed to ask his doctor. He wanted to know if he could have a nurse masturbate him allegedly for artificial insemination. I guess you could do that, though it does still sound a little weird to me.

    People who have lost sensation below the waste still conceive children. Because the sexual function is largely involuntary, especially for a man. And let's face it, the brain is the largest sexual organ. I think what they do is give the command to their hips while thinking an intense sexual fantasy. With time and practice it should become more natural. Of course any part of the body is theoretically capable of producing an orgasm (ask any woman). Also you know Larry Flynt used to say he still enjoyed sex with women. The fact he had no feeling below the waste changed nothing.

    Plus if you are bound to a wheelchair, what makes you think a girl would want to date you? Have you ever asked?

  2. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    I knew a quadriplegic man many years ago. He was one of the nicest fellows I ever met. Even though he was confined to a wheel chair he had a very active sex life. He and his beautiful wife had two children. As I got to know him he revealed it is possible to have a fulfilling sex life even if you can't do anything for yourself. His wife did everything for him including directing his penis into a device he could piss in. He told me they would lay him on the bed and she sat on him. They always fucked in CG position because he couldn't do other positions. His personality was what made him, not his physical appearance. His wife was a knock out any man would love to have on his arm. But there she was with him. So it is possible to find a lover when in any physical condition. One lust has to get out there and try.
    Josephinelcajon likes this.
  3. Pregomama

    Pregomama Members

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    For me as a woman in my case it was different as I’m an incomplete paraplegic (my legs kinda work and have feeling, and I still have full feeling down there) for me it was hard holding positions. Also I enjoyed doing a lot of the work and now I can’t so now he does most of the work which took a while for me to except but now I have. And I enjoy sex from lots of lovers including my husband. It’s possible just requires more teamwork and finding the right person.
    straightma1e and 6Sailor9 like this.
  4. 6Sailor9

    6Sailor9 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Thank you for sharing! It’s wonderful to hear you don’t let your position get in the way of your sexual desire. ;-)

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