Advice for a Beginner Wanting to Go Barefoot

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Erad02, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. Erad02

    Erad02 Members

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    Hey everyone, I'm a guy that lives in the UK and just turned 20. I've always really wanted to walk around barefoot in public, and reading posts from you all saying that you go barefoot almost everywhere, and how good it is, has only made me want to try it more.
    I am a complete beginner at this, I haven't ever really been barefoot outside my house before, but it's summer here now and I'm just gonna stop putting it off and give it a go.
    So I'm making this thread to ask you all for advice for a complete beginner at barefooting (e.g. where to start out walking and how to progress to eventually being almost full time, that sort of stuff) and also how to get over the initial shyness of being barefoot publicly. I'm gonna attempt to go out barefoot somewhere for the first time tomorrow, so I'll hopefully use some of the advice for that.

    Thanks for reading, and I look forward to your replies :)
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Just don't wear shoes when you go out. Nobody gives a shit if you have shoes on or not, unless you're in a store where you could step on something like broken glass or whatever, they don't wanna fill out an accident report. Go to the park or something today.
  3. Erad02

    Erad02 Members

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    Yeah I was gonna try a park or something like that tomorrow as I think it would be a pretty good place to start, I was just wondering how to progress from never being barefoot in public before, to being almost full time, as I've read loads of posts on websites that say you need to ease yourself in to avoid injury/strain.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    All you need Erad is Confidence.
    It begins with the stares and funny comments (some which are hurtful) but once you get used to it, like be called "Four-eyed, Ginger, Gay (because one is Bohemian) etc." - It's a "Sticks and Stones" thing
    Whilst one can say it's not illegal, I am surprised that it isn't Health and Safety that is being used as a deterrent.
    A Park and Woodland are places where one can express oneself, and I have seen (often) both male and female students wandering around the campus - In the end I would suggest "Go for it" and await the criticism - if one is prepared for it then that is half (and more) way towards achieving the goal - that is - "SELF-Happiness"
  5. Erad02

    Erad02 Members

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    Yeah I'll just have to go for it and hope that I enjoy it :) Thanks for your comment.
    WOLF ANGEL likes this.
  6. Scirocco09

    Scirocco09 Members

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    I recommend doing it in nature first, like woodlands or countryside walks if you can. You will feel self conscious when you come across someone for the first time with no shoes - just smile and say hello and most people won’t say anything, the ones that do will probably be inspired by you. I’ve noticed it’s usually young women that will talk to you about it, not a bad thing for a guy.

    Progress to shops when you have a bit of confidence, most will be fine about it. It feels amazing shopping in bare feet, and quite funny when people notice. Most people won’t say anything but you will get a few looks, but now is the best time to get started as most people are showing their feet in sandals so you won’t stand out too much.
    BarefootedBoy likes this.
  7. goodearth

    goodearth Member

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    Start with soft grass and soft muddy spots. After a few weeks go on a hike on a trail with smoothe stones and dirt. Then tryout a street with asphalt with a rough surface, but not hot. After a month or two you can be less concerned with the surface, but always keep watch for potential hazards with overall vision. After a while your peripheral vision and your experience will make your choice of path automatic.
  8. Jude96

    Jude96 Members

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    In my opinion the only way to get past that shyness you mentioned or break through your comfort zone is to just do it... jump in with both feet, so to speak... in this case there really isn’t much risk (though I do understand the uncomfortable feeling with people possibly staring)... but it’s really shoes or no shoes, there’s no in between so just go for it one day
    RT19 likes this.
  9. Erad02

    Erad02 Members

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    Thanks for all your replies Scirocco09, goodearth and Jude96. I took your advice and everyone else's in this thread and I went on a barefoot walk around a park, and a little bit on the pavement. Hopefully I can progress to eventually do it a lot more :)
    goodearth likes this.
  10. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Just do a bit more each time you go and you'll be fine.
  11. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Start your day barefoot. I found that if I wore shoes in the beginning of the day then took them off I had more of that feeling that I am missing something then if I woke up and never put the things on. Its about getting over that initial feeling of fragility, in a very short time your automatic reflexes kick in and you can navigate barefoot with hardly a second thought even though in the beginning it doesn't seem that way when every little pebble is a tragedy. Your feet might hurt the say same way the hands of an office worker would if they just got a job in construction.

    Take some before pictures of your feet so you can prove how they get healthier looking in many ways..
  12. Scirocco09

    Scirocco09 Members

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    Good idea. My feet are much healthier since going barefoot, they’re now tanned wider and the toes straighter. I used to hate them and my legs but now they see daylight and get put to use both have become favourite features.

    Hope you’re getting on ok Erad. I’ve been shopping barefoot today and it felt awesome. The different textures and temperatures make it so enjoyable. As it’s summer and feet are a common sight you’re unlikely to have any problems. Do you mind people you know seeing you?
    charlie35 likes this.
  13. Erad02

    Erad02 Members

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    Thanks for all your comments guys :)

    For your question Scirocco, I really wouldn't like it if people I know saw me walking around barefoot, as they are much more likely to say something about it, and maybe bring it up in future conversations with them. Right now I am trying to get over the nerves of being barefoot in public when no one else is likely to be, but hopefully once I get over that I won't mind so much if people I know see me with bare feet :)

    I'm planning on going for another barefoot walk tomorrow, just around the park and some neighbourhoods. I only managed about 25 minutes of barefoot walking last time, as some parts of the pavements were very rough to walk on, but hopefully I will get used to that the more I do it and be able to walk with bare feet for longer. Still haven't managed any shops or anything like that yet, way too nervous haha :)
  14. charlie35

    charlie35 Member

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    Sounds like you're making a great start. Just keep at it and it'll gradually get easier in all respects.
  15. Scirocco09

    Scirocco09 Members

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    That’s understandable. Have you got a car or is there good public transport to other towns or cities where you are? Go somewhere miles away and you’ll be ok. The law of averages is you will eventually get spotted though especially if you do it locally - I don’t want colleagues to see me but the net is closing in. I often go to a local shop on the next estate and there’s a girl that works there who has never seen me wear shoes - I bumped into her at my work a few weeks ago. She was doing work experience for a uni course, could get a job at my employer. Also last week as I was leaving that shop, I saw a bloke that sometimes works with me. My bag broke before our paths crossed so I had to pick up my stuff, but he walked right past and no doubt saw me and my feet. I expect questions when I see him, but does it really matter? It’s summer and it’s a hot one, bare feet add to the enjoyment :)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  16. charlie35

    charlie35 Member

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    Exactly. F*** em. It's your life and you don't have to explain yourself. In reality they probably don't care/aren't interested anyway.
    BarefootedBoy and Boogabaah like this.
  17. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Walk until very sore , then cake the feet in mud . When the mud is dry , dust off a bit and apply an oil .
    Let cure . This will result in permanent calloused hardness .
  18. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    You are not unique. Think about how many of those people would like to be barefoot. Look at television ads for vacations in warm places, everyone is usually barefoot and smiling. They are selling what people enjoy cause it sells.

    I think its fun when people ask me where are my shoes because I often tell them I stepped in a big pile of dog poo and it was so bad I had to throw out my shoes and go barefoot till I get home. Or I just say cause its more fun this way.

    Looking back I get the nervousness as the first time I walked up town I did feel like I was doing something people would be weird about. I was not doing something people were weird about I was doing something that they would like to be doing and maybe it made THEM feel weird.
  19. mattygroves

    mattygroves Members

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    I think the majority of people either don't notice, don't care or would quite like to go barefoot themselves but daren't.

    In this current hot weather I would say at least half the people out there are wearing flip flops or sandals, which surely means :

    They enjoy the feeling of their feet being out in the open
    They don't have a problem with others seeing their feet
    They probably go barefoot when at home

    I'll bet a lot of flip flop wearers would actually like to go barefoot in public but are worried about either what people will say or stepping on something sharp.
  20. charlie35

    charlie35 Member

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    ^ Exactly what I've been thinking. Barefooters lead the way!!
    BarefootedBoy likes this.

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