I was reading the other day someone thought that a Land Rover is adult Meccano. maybe.I have seen a staircase made from Dexion. Any other examples?
mead usa 4114 north knox avenue chicago mead england victoriagardens, burgess hill sussex also in aurora onrario canada. i have an old old catalogue too old to list websites though i'm sure by now they have one. there's also an outfit that shares my mundane last name, except its spelled different its used to make office partitions and milling machines and all sorts of modular tool stuff, even robotics and material handling equipment (teall;teel or some such) linear motion products: techno-isel.com all of my references are old so these companies may very well have changed ownership since. oh and then there is or was, something called the thomas catalogue, that listed such products from nearly all of the manufaturers that existed at that time. another don't know if it still exists, as the last time i saw or had one was in the previous century. but i've no doubt such things still exist. oh and there's modular warehouse storage systems too. nook industries is another one: nookind.com
Ever watch a tower crane being erected matey, I don't think you could get any closer to a meccano set without it being a meccano set
pretty much any place you work, even if its in a restaurant kitchen, will have something that's made out of or partially out of something that would qualify as adult mechano. (shelving systems in the walk in for example) (u.s. ians who may not be familiar with the name mechano, it was sold in the u.s. by a.c. gilbert under the name of erector set) slotted angle, which is available in pretty much any large hardware and lumber supply would qualify as adult mechano, as would a lot of things available in most 'builder's supply' places these days. for that matter, ikea comes to mind, but that would be more like the old tinker toy because then we'd be talking about modular shapes made out of wood. this btw, if it isn't obvious, is something that interests me very much, and if i were a rich mon, hidle didle didle dee, yah, its the kind of stuff i'd be spending on instead of sparklies to impress anyone. that and train stuff. and ride on trains can be built partially out of this kind of stuff too, when their not trying to be models of larger ones.