So.. Yes I know.. Another one of these but I honestly couldnt find an answer and dont care about peoples preferences, so its not that. Im 30 years old and have had lots of sexual partners over the years (women). In my mid 20s I ended up sleeping with one woman for a period of time who didnt think it was important to inform me that she had genital warts. The relationship ended and suddenly Im wondering WTF is going on down there.. Luckily my sheath protected me from the worst of it but due to the treatments to get rid of the warts it left me with some tissue damage on the inside tip of my foreskin that basically means theres an area with little to no sensation and gets inflamed easily from any sort of sexual activity. While its not as bad as certain types of issues it can still be painful and cause small tears, uncomfortable sensitivity in the surrounding area and some tightness that requires stretching/ etc. Although I DONT agree with infant circumcision, I feel as an adult Im free to make my own WELL researched decisions about my own body and am considering a circumcision to remove the overhang basically and fix the issue. Its manageable but has begun to affect my own self image and sex life due to inflammation so.. What Im curious about is to hear anything from either men who have had this later in life for similar reasons or women who have had partners who had it done. I know there will be sensitivity loss due to friction from exposure/ etc. What Im worried about is will it be so great that the cons outweigh the pros? Was your sex life affected? From the mens side who had it or women whos partners had it? etc One last time this is NOT supposed to turn into a "just go for it" or "uncut is gross" discussion. If you think foreskin is useless please refer to section 4 lol. Id much rather have it where it ended up than somewhere else where I have no other option than to live with the damage. This is just meant to see if anyone can offer advice as to whether it was worth it in the end going through with it. Currently I cant even masturbate without ending up red and somewhat puffy. Thanks!
Ive talked to a couple doctors and also a specialist. It will as it will remove the tissue that gets inflamed. Its just hard to know if some sensation loss is a proper tradeoff for no more inflammation. Ive tried google searches but theres not alot from men or women who have experience both sides of the coin outside the "fetish" crowd.
I'd really try to keep yourself intact. We can PM for the nitty gritty on how it worked out for me over the years.
Boy that is a tough problem. I am sure you are not the only male with this problem. Gosh as an intact male I don't know what I would do. I suppose if the medical community can give you good odds of success I'd really consider it. Can they do a partial circ and achieve your goals?