Adopt A Highway

Discussion in 'Pollution' started by Logan 5, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    I fucking hate it. These assholes go adopt a stretch of highway, and they might clean it once or maybe even twice a year. And it still looks like shit.

    I know, litter happens. But these people sometimes don't even do that. I have seen Boy Scout troops do it. They don't do it to clean the road, but for the publicity.

    Fuck publicity. Do the damned work anyway! I DO! And if I'm lucky I *might* get A thank you.
    So fucked up man. If you care about the fucking environment, just clean the damned thing up! Just fucking do it! Who cares if you don't get a pat on the back our your pic in the paper? WHO CARES?????

    I know Mother nature does. And she weeps when you sit on your fucking ass DOING NOTHING!!!!!!!
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  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    My Mother used to do this thing, not on highways of course, but if she saw someone litter in a parking lot she would go over, pick it up and hand it back to them with a "You dropped this, dear" ...

    Not sure how that relates, but it was such a cute way to make a point.
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