My girlfriend and I are still in the "getting to know you" part of sex so we're still learning each others likes and desires. Typically once we start making out she'll take off my glasses. Understandable since they're coke bottle-ish and get in the way. The only problem is that can't see a thing without them and leads to some awkward moments with me reduced to feeling my way as we play around from room to room. So to get around that I decided to wear my contacts. But she asked me to take them out. I told her if I did that I wouldn't be able to see and she said that she knew that and wanted it that way. So it seems that she wasn't taking my glasses off because they were in the way, but because she knows I can't see without them and gets turned on by me being more or less helpless without them. I'm not sure where to go with this. I know I probably don't perform quite as well this way because I'm very uneasy if I can't see what's going on around me but she seems to prefer me that way. Thoughts...?
Is she insecure about her physical appearance? Any birth marks, moles? Tattoos of an old boyfriend's name?
You don't have to do something just because your gf likes it. If you are really against it, you can put your foot down, and get a new gf if necessary.
You need to tell her it isn't working for you when you are essentially blind. I can see how that would be disorienting and distracting, making it difficult to enjoy the sex fully. It's not all about making her happy, you need to enjoy yourself too. If she is a reasonable person, she should understand and be able to compromise.
does she take off your glasses and run to the next room, then return with a slightly different body shape and/or hair color?
I've seen her naked lots of times so she's not hiding anything there and she does't have any problems with how she thinks she looks. She has been pretty up front with why she wants me without my glasses or contacts during and leading up to sex, that she gets off on my vulnerability. And it's not like I hate it anything. It's just that from my experience I've found most women were more into the strong, confident guy stuff. Just when I think I have this female stuff figured out, I get this curve thrown at me :dizzy2:
Honestly, if I'm not wearing my glasses I might as well be blindfolded. I guess it could be a form of bondage since my movement is limited in a way. Maybe a poor comparison. But I'm more or less at her mercy once she has my glasses. Anything more than an inch or 2 infront of me is a shapeless blur. Fortunately no pets are in danger of being stepped or otherwise violated
Who are you talking to? Lol Thread looks like another thinking out loud post to me, but many times I wonder who people are really talking to at this forum.
Not that it was sexually related but a couple of months ago I tripped over the ottoman in my girlfriends apartment and fractured my baby toe. That is the type of thing that can kill a moment. C/S, Rev J
Awww, I didnt see that before Potential for an awesome penis size joke there But the moments gone since you got sprung with the IP thing
interesting hobby.... I thought it fucking around .... but guess what? not even the moderator get's fucked up :-D
She could possibly not want you to see her..maybe shes super into that or she also could be possibly a little self concious. hmmm...