Probably my favorite sexual activity. I'd give 'em all day if I could find enough willing recipients.
Depends on her cock-sucking skills. Good blowjobs admittedly feel great and extremely relaxing, but mediocre ones can just feel uncomfortable and bad ones can really hurt. Generally though, I'm quite happy to skip a blowjob and jump straight to vaginal and/or anal when time is of the essence. I just prefer penetrating the girl, I guess.
I'm one of the rare guys who don't care for them. Why? Teeth! I don't like the feel of teeth. The best blowjob would come from a girl with dentures, but such a girl would likely be over 60.
I love receiving them, got one on New Years Eve which was wonderful and almost brought me to climax. Good stuff indeed
If there's one thing I like as much as's sandwiches. But you can't have one without the other. If a bitch sucks my dick I best be gettin' a sandwich. With bacon. If a bitch be Makin me sandwiches. ....I best be getting my turtle wet. Or else you get the hose
Love them here too. The only way I get off for about the last 6 months. Actually, I'm getting "Gumjobs," the absolute best. No more saying, "Watch the teeth."