via: Powerful Depression Quotes & Sayings With Images - The Right Messages actually feel or actually felt ?
I would change the whole thing to the conditional tense if you were to ask me what i am feeling...then the rest of the sentence as is.
If you change "was feeling" to "am feeling" it works as the tenses are then the same. Commas are misused and "much" should be "often."
Depression is so misunderstood, in a country where its illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse and the president cut the mass media a deal on their rent, while spending money has now become the most popular way of making yourself happy. Sometimes, depression means something is just flat out wrong, and you need to talk to someone other than the damned internet trolls, censored television, and fucking healthcare professionals who support the system by handing out pharmaceutical drugs to pacify the natives. I know flaming psychotics who wander in traffic and eat out of garbage cans, while taking pills that cost hundreds of dollars apiece just to avoid being dragged into the mental hospital. Shit, third world countries are beginning to take better care of their destitute and poor than the US. Be depressed, then get angry if you know what matters in this fucking life.
Change “asked” to “ask” and feel works. Then you have to change other parts of the sentence. But the message is moving even if it remains grammatically the same. Poe-tay-toe, Poe-tah-toe
To me it feels like someone cut me open and poured the world's misery into me I dont really get the numbness with depression, I get sadness. I came across a German word in a book one day that describes this, when you take on the pain of things that have nothing to do with you...but i havent been able to find this word since, wish I remembered it But whenever I find myself crying for 2 hours over a news article, I know its time to step back and turn off the news because i'm about to go to a dark place if I dont tune it all out and focus only on what is immediately in front of me
I have my own thoughts, but I'mma keep them to myself for someone will argue with me and that'll be depressive.
the opening sentence is lame.....''depression is so much misunderstood and still so powerful''.....has any person here ever said the phrase ''so much misunderstood''?..... lose the ''much''.....but even then the entire thing needs work....that second comma is irking me.... this is the writers forum...not mental health....the op is questioning the wording of the guess is they were criticized or are doing the critique and they want back up
not making light of of my sons symptoms of his illness….its fucking awful....but again....writers forum
someone said this... "asked" is the active verb here. So "feel" is still the same. That's why they used "would" instead of "will". it means it's continuous "feel" and not past tense. it's still in the present. How about this guys ?
I dot see it that way...asked needs to be ''ask''....''if you ask me what I feel''....stay I the present then may I ask why you are ''asking'' lol....did you author this?