
Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by luciddreams, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. luciddreams

    luciddreams Guest

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    if i were to do like, a quarter tab or half tab of acid during 4th period lunch at the beginning (10 am) how long would it last? It's probably average dosage... I am going to do it no matter what, i just need tips and answers :)
    -how long will it last? (school ends at 1:45 on mondays, and 2:30 on tues-fri) my mom gets home at 4 o clock :)
    -when will it kick in? idk if bodyweight is a factor but i am 120 lbs and female.
    -will others be able to tell? (ie. pupil size -note- i have blue eyes, or by my face/behaviors? i usually space out during class anyways and never talk so idk if it will be much different...)
    -what will i see? just vibrant colors? or will it be visuals? this is my first time taking acid.

    dont try to talk me out of it because i AM doing this. I must.

    would it be a better idea to take it at 7:00 am? (gym begins at 7:30) will it make me run better? i hate running, will it make me run faster/not think about the pain as much? we have to run the mile monday, and its for an assessment grade and my current time is like 14 minutes 40 seconds, and im trying to get to less than 12 minutes... even 10 if i can. but i HATE running because its SO boring and hurts. or will it make me fall on the floor and fail completely?

    should i take quarter or half tab or full tab? it will be my first trip and i feel like a quarter or half is a waste but also i dont want to get caught...
  2. CelestialEcho

    CelestialEcho Guest

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    Doing acid at school is a terrible idea. I couldn't think of a worse place to eat it if i tried. Just trust me. You want to be either alone in a comfortable/safe/worrie free enviroment, or with very close friends in the same
    enviromen, if you aren't it is likely to lead to more anxiety or a "bad trip". If i were you, i would do some serious research before you eat anything someone "claims" is LSD. Research chemicals like 25i for example, are growing increasingly popular, and are extremely dangerous with the potential for very serious consquences. It is also extremely easy to overdose on these RC's, Other LSD fakes can include Dob/dox/nbome ect, all of which in my opionion are not worth the risk, they are very new, with absolutly zero data we literally are the lab rats for compounds like rcs. Little over 3 years since their arrival on the market and there is already something like 20 deaths assositaed with their use. Buy a tesy kit, buy 2 and test one. Its the safest and most affective way to test a substance outside of a lab. Also note how the tab tastes, if its bitter, numbs you're tongue or burns it, spit it out asap!!! Lsd is odorless, and tasteless! The only sensation that you could call normal when taking lsd would be a metallic like taste.
  3. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    but... of all places... why do acid at school? o_O
    Wouldn't it be better to do it on a weekend?
  4. CelestialEcho

    CelestialEcho Guest

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    Do what i do. On the weekend as hoppi stated, just wait for you're parents to fall asleep, then munch. Having them asleep allows me to not worry about my dinner plate puppels or that "the fuck is going on" look on my face. Load up hours of your fav music, find some visualizers,relax, and enjoy the ride. I like to relax and just stare into the stars, its crazy how quiet the world is at 3am. hahaa IMO way better then at school, surrounded by a massive group of people you barely know.
  5. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    is acid safe in your teens? o_O

    like, there is a lot of debate about drugs before 18... whether they mess your brain up, etc...
  6. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    Please don't do that. There are so many reasons why you shouldn't do it, but if for no other reason it's a complete waste of a trip. IF you have real LSD it WILL last 8-12 hours, meaning that even if you take it early in the morning, you'll still be tripping when you have to face your mom. As someone who's taken acid many times, I can tell you with 100% absolute certainty that you DO NOT want to be on any kind of psychedelic at school or generally in the presence of ANY authority figures.

    In all likelihood you don't have LSD. There's a huge problem currently with cheap legal and dangerous drugs being laid on blotter paper and sold as LSD. You're not necessarily facing a dangerous dose with a half tab, but you also DO NOT KNOW how strong it is. It's quite easy and common for these blotters to be made excessively potent, not to mention the fact that you have absolutely no idea what kind of experience you're in for.

    Please just don't do it. I can't express how bad of an idea it is. Trust me when I tell you that acid will treat you a thousand times better if you prepare for it. Find some time where you have the freedom to do enjoyable things/be in nature, away from authority figures and take it then. It will be an amazing experience that you'll cherish forever. If you take it at school you'll very likely have a bad time and be extremely anxious and paranoid the whole time. Not to mention that there's literally NOTHING that could potentially be enjoyable about tripping at school, and you could very easily end up in a situation that you can't handle. You don't want to have to explain to someone why you're acting weird while you're tripping.

    I could go on and on about why this is a bad idea. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them. The people here can give you a wealth of information about just how to have a great trip, and everyone here will tell you that this is a one way ticket to a bad time.
  7. CelestialEcho

    CelestialEcho Guest

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    My first LSD experience was in the 10th grade. I truely can say it changed me for the better, but at the time i didn't even realize it... Looking back now i am so glad i was able to be introduced to this mind set at such an early stage of life. After this one time use i didn't use it again for years, mainly because it is so damn hard to find. But i am not saying it will be like this for everybody, the drug is quite unpredictable in some ways, but hey thats just life in general imo.
  8. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    Well, that's cool CelestialEcho :)

    We should have more ways to hang out over the net as hippies. Like... I think a lot of people on here don't have many local hippy friends, particularly the younger members. Perhaps that's why some people aren't sure where to trip!

    I hope virtual reality and stuff gets here soon, that would be fun socially!
  9. CelestialEcho

    CelestialEcho Guest

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    Hahaha i think you're onto something! I seriously wish i had more hippie friends, but instead we are blessed with all the beer queers and beer pong tables you can imagine. Socal life hahaha. I have yet to trip in nature, how much different is it? I am about to plan a camping trip just for this reason lol
  10. CelestialEcho

    CelestialEcho Guest

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    GTA5 felt like a virtual reality, it's incredible the immersion that game would allow. After a solid weekend of nothing but gta5 (story line) i woke up monday, and felt similar to theday after a good trip, just so refreshed. I believe there to be massive therapeutic potential in virtual realities, time will only tell!
  11. if i were you i wouldn't even think about doing it at school, you will begin to think of everything around you leading you to think of the teachers and your thoughts will string along and before you know it you will be freaking out even on a low dose like that.

    BUT if you do it at school, have fun and chill and don't say we didn't tell you to. :)
  12. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    Yeah erm, I get that from games too I think, and sometimes movies or programmes. I got totally sucked into Breaking Bad recently xD

    As for games, the most immersive and incredible game I've ever played by a long way is Shenmue, but I also love many others, and recently I found I Am Alive to be very immersive and captivating!

    Good to hear that GTA5 is cool!

    Yeah I'd imagine that just sitting in nature might be preferable... I mean I think if I was tripping I'd probably just trip right out of the front gate of the school and to a local field or somewhere else natural and beautiful!

    Having a friend with you is good too, apparently.
  13. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    It's not going to make you run better in gym class. This kind of question shows how you fundamentally don't understand what you're getting into. It's going to ruin your day, and maybe your year, and maybe get you kicked out of school, or just a few classes. LSD is not some "background buzz" that's going to make your classes more interesting. It is a serious endeavor. Taking 1/4 of a tab is just going to give you a bit of energy (if its even LSD, which it most likely isn't).
  14. kokujin

    kokujin Senior Member

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    take it at 10. Have it kick in at 12. You're peaking when your mom's home and tripping because you are a retarded highschool kid who drops a tab of acid at school.
  15. magic_rocks

    magic_rocks ٱللهِ ٱلرّ

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    I made the mistake of taking mushrooms at school once, in 10th grade; in fact it was in a night school program, of which I was one of only 12 students. I also gave some to a friend of mine, this black kid who sold drugs and had never even heard of psychedelics before. How we survived without being noticed is absolutely beyond me.. About 30 minutes into the first class I turned around and looked at his face, and the horror in his expression made me assured of our ill fate. And yet, we made it, I felt like Frodo and Sam at the end of Lord of the Rings.

    Actually when I think back to it, I'm convinced that the teachers knew, but for some reason just let it go. There were several other times where me and another guy would smoke an entire blunt across the street (under cover of the regular high school kids, numbering over 3500, leaving for the day as our classes began) and then walk into school, and there was no doubt whatsoever that we were stoned out of our minds, never mind the smell which lingered in every room we sat in. And again, they never said anything.. This was not some ghetto school by the way, it is in fact one of the highest ranking public schools in the state and also one of the largest. The greatest thing about it was that the night school math teacher went on to become the highest principle and when I returned to the regular day time hours, he remembered me and became my friend and protecter, so that every time I was sent to him to resolve a problem between myself and a teacher, he let me hang out in his office until the next class and never put me into any kind of trouble.
  16. ZenStateOfMind

    ZenStateOfMind Member

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    haaahahah what an idea. If you plan on dropping dont plan on going to classes (good luck sitting through class after class) and I'd plan on not going home.... Or trip balls in front of your dear mother.
    Kids these days....
  17. Volcanogod

    Volcanogod Guest

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    You will be fine. You will have a lot of energy for the run. Your pupils will be huge. You will laugh a lot.

    I agree with all of these posters about how its a bad idea but not for the same reasons. I think it will be bad because you will enjoy it so much , you will do it again but with more LSD. But your second or third time could be a major learning experience and get you booted from high school.

    More importantly. GET A DRUG TEST KIT!!!!!! They are cheap online! 20 $ for a kit that can test everything! I also doubt you have LSD. most likely a NBOME. A kit will let you know what you got.
  18. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    I hope she understands that the reason some of us are so firmly saying it's a bad idea or might sound harsh or whatever is only because we care.

    I can't believe anyone wants her to have a bad time or get kicked from school or whatever, and she's young and so she might not know enough yet to fully understand why the idea could turn out so bad.

    It's not just being mean, it's just not wanting anything bad to happen is all.
  19. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    Having said that, it's a shame that the world is full of such "boring squares" who would flip out over a teen taking a tab of acid.

    The world should be run by hippies ^_^
  20. Eon

    Eon Member

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    Come on OP, how did that work out then ?

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