About the "government shutdown"

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Pressed_Rat, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The whole government shutdown thing... it's not real.. it's rigged. I mean, there is no real battle going on between Obama and that other bozo, Boenher. It's an act which we call politics. The proposed agenda will go through eventually, but to create the illusion we live in a "democracy" and not a dictatorship, the powers that be must first create this illusory battle between the two corporate-controlled sides which answer to the same masters. It's a fucking joke. America is a pure dictatorship. Period. They use this veneer of politics and so-called democracy to make us believe we have a say and that there are people in Washington working for the "little guy." Bullshit.

    The whole government shutdown is deliberate, to create fear in people so they will accept measures to completely cripple the country and its fiat economy as we sink into the depths of a totalitarian police state.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I know you're on the same page as me, Orison. You're usually one of the few people who are. Maybe not.

    I am NOT the one who thumbed you down, BTW.... before anyone accuses me.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    the meme is a joke,, cause I know youre not joking..

    I dont fret the thumbs ....
  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I know I sound like some know-it-all elitist for saying this, but I don't see how so many people can follow current events and take what's presented to them at face value. Most of what people see on the news is consensus manufacturing. It's psychological warfare designed to manipulate their thoughts and provide them with opinions they think are their own.

    I don't follow ANY news source these days, including alternative and conspiratorial ones, because they're mostly all full of shit, too.

    Most of what I am hearing is just noise, but talking to the average person, it is really REAL to them.
  6. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    The shutdown is real. The reasons are political but that does negate that it is happening. There are agendas on both sides as that is politics.

    You are basing your opinion on something, so to negate all news sources would mean you are basing your opinion on what? :) All news should be taken with a grain of salt and critical thinking helps. We are influenced by information even when we would like to believe that we are not.

    What is your solution?
  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Well, there are many solutions that sound good in theory, but would they ever stand a chance of being implemented in reality? Quite frankly, I wish there was no government to even exist for a shutdown to occur in the first place. But that's just kooky talk. Point is, people are so dependent on government that they become fearful when they hear of it shutting down, like it's a bad thing and should concern everybody. That is just sick.
  8. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    History has shown that people are not really good at self government as they same thing tends to happen. Those who have the strength or are just wing nut enough to convince others, hold power. So while we moan about what is, there is not another option at the current time for dealing with issues. To rail against a system of government without a solution or viable alternative is redundant.

    In general, most people wish for more accountability and transparency from governments rather than that they be abolished.

    People become fearful as there is a dependency on government. In many cases it affects their livelihood and life. Even when not directly linked to a government position. Many people are no more than a couple of pay cheques away from peril, so it is an issue.
  9. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Typical non-American response. Go to government. No Thanks. What happens when the perfect storm of illegal alien amnesty and obyscare meet? Yikes. Hence , folks , the shutdown.
  10. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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    just like the last amnesty under Reagan in '86 ?
  11. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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  12. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    I don't know a huge amount about the American system. But I do know its basically a lobbyist's puppet in many ways.

    I know a fair amount about the British and EU system which would shock a lot of people. Suffice to say, whilst there are SOME differences, the OVERRIDING forces are ones of special interest groups ie globalists, major corporations, scamming old money families, foreign power blocs (ie Europricks and America) etc etc.

    If a lot of the shit ever got into the public domain, AND people actually saw it, the political system would be shaken to its core.

    The typical persons that hope to be US Republican President or Democrat aren't a lot different in terms of view. Hilary Clinton is as Republican as most Republicans. That vile woman who owned Huff Post is as "Liberal" as she is Republican. Colin Powell isn't a lot different to Ballsack Obama. And Phoney Blair is as ****-servative as Camoron.

    The democratic aspect is probably the people in the Democratic/Rep Party who are putting pressure on the leaders, and the grass roots members.

    Many snr politicians choose which "team" to be in on account of how far they can get promoted. Much like how someone choses working for Coke or Pepsi. Sure, the grass roots people may different, but as you say, thats in a large part veneer and the bullshit.

    I don't really want to post in the public section some of the shit I know, but
    really, in England atleast (and I'd personally bet the US too), there is a lot of theatrical bullshit.

    Even when someone actually wants to change stuff radically(the glimmer of true democracy), he's likely to get crushed by government advisors, think tanks, the media and "financial experts".

    So I wouldn't call the system "complete bullshit". But there is a lot of pretence. And true democracy is limited by special power blocs.
  13. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    omg false flag!!11!!!
  14. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    OK I've just actually read the details of your post :redface:

    Whilst there is a huge amount of veneer and bullshit in politics, there is actually a material difference in the shutdown.

    Republicans rack up a big debt for blowing up Iraq, because Little Lord Fauntleroy Bush didn't like Saddam Hussein. Because Hussein didn't like his daddy...

    Republicans decide anyone who doesn't vote for them should be fucked up the arse, and forced to pay for the debt that the Republicans incurred.

    So, it IS an illustration of slight differences between the 2 sides of the same coin.

    But the Republicans and snr Democrats subscribe to the same "ideology" ie serving globalist interests and fads, as opposed to the interests of the majority of American citizens (or even recognising that they serve America as a sovereign state). Even if Ballsack Obama wanted to do something different, he'd be slaughtered by economists, the press, military, and snr govt employees. So he'll tag along in the direction the balance of power flows ie largely the will and capital of the same families its been for decades.

    PS the background of Kerry (husband of a Heinz Foods heir AND a Forbes family heir himself) plus Hilary Clinton (the wealthy/Rep. connected Rodham family - altho that is played down) are 2 good examples of the sort of people who REALLY pull the strings in the Democrats ie not THAT different to the people pulling the strings of the Rep Party too).
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I mostly agree with you. I think the shutdown is pure political posturing. However, the really sick thing is not that people have been convinced the shutdown matters and has a real effect on people, its that it DOES have a real effect on people. Politicians are basically playing around with people's livelihood. Besides the furloughed workers not being paid, this has slowed or completely stopped scientific progress. Local economies are being effected. The entire ocean around Miami is closed. Imagine how many people make their living from the sea in the Miami area. People have been forced to move out of their houses around Lake Mead. Those are just a few examples.
  16. Jimmy P

    Jimmy P bastion of awesomeness

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    IMO, one of three things is necessary for humanity to make it out of this diseased, insane state we are in.
    1. Aliens arrive, take control, and make everything well.
    2. Mankind unites against a common enemy (aliens?)
    3. A critical mass of people expand their minds, learn to think for themselves, and, most importantly, take action against the insane minority who hold the most influence

    Sadly, I think 1 & 2 are more probable than 3...

    We are headed for an inevitable economical apocalypse - the way the global economical system is designed is inherently not sustainable. Part of our obsession with money makes us go to any length to get more of it, destroying our world and environment in the process. There are countless of examples of how we have damaged the environment on which we rely to survive nearly beyond repair. And still no one seems to worry about anything other than superficial nonsense. Look at how politicians try to garner votes - those are the issues that concern most people. How many politicians give a shit about the environment?

    I, too, believe the shutdown is just a show. Another disaster orchestrated to stir emotions in the populace, blinding them to the real issues. We keep falling for the bullshit, and it seems no one with any real influence is willing to do anything except what is good for themselves; whatever it takes to retain their wealth and influence. We only worry about the symptoms while the disease runs rampant, unchecked.

    Martin Rees gives humanity a 50-50 chance of making it through this century. I think those odds are extremely optimistic.

    Damn, that became a lot longer than I had intended..
  17. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Not a bad post but it's not humanity as a whole that's on a government shutdown ;)
  19. Jimmy P

    Jimmy P bastion of awesomeness

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    lol... the shutdown is just a symptom of the disease :)
  20. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I agree with you in that American politics are very much stages and theatrical, but, at the same time, the shutdown is real. People are really being deprived of their wages. What is fucked is that it is government employees, who, for the most part, are already not being payed enough, who are being fucked over for the sake of these theatrics!

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