About a woman president...

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by mynameiskc, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    seriously, i'm just curious. with all the successful female national leaders that have graced this world, why are americans having suck a freakout over the prospect of a female president of the usa?
  2. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Because the vast majority of those who bother to show up to vote are fundamentalist Christians who think a woman's place is in the kitchen.
  3. Kastenfrosch

    Kastenfrosch Blaubeerkuchen!! Lifetime Supporter

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    Germany seems to be about getting a female chanceloress for the first time ever. Oh my god, I hope she won't be it.

    And after all, these days, you are not really electing people, you are electing parties. So I doubt that a women seriously would be better then bush, since the whole party (and I don't know who else) is behind him.
    I mean the perfect proof is Rice. Is she a womenpresident that you favor before bush?

    I believe in order to get a ahead in a party, especially in a conservative one, as a women you have to be a man. Look at margaret thatcher. Was she a women?
  4. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    I'm not so sure I'd want a woman president...and I'm not religious. Women tend to use their emotions when making decisions (me included), instead of using logic, facts, and figures. I think, though woman have made a huge step in the work place, I don't think they've made THAT big of a step. In time, I think our society will be ready...but right now is not the time.

    Although wouldn't it be a trip to see Condoleeza Rice and Hilary Clinton duke it out inside AND outside the ring???

    I'd give my left arm to have those two run against eachother..maybe then Nader will have a chance *giggles*
  5. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    we ain't managed a female prime minister either :(

    Well, there was Margaret Thatcher....but i have my suspicions about her....
  6. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    I think a woman president couldnt do any worse of a job then some of the males we have had as presidents...
  7. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    well, yeah. i mean, judging failure rates, are men really any better at it than women? there's women in heavy leadership positions all over the freaking place, and they're not running their businesses into the ground whenever their hormones are in upheaval. i think that's all nonsense. men have emotional responses, too. look at the patriot act.
  8. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    You'd have to be an idiot to think that a woman can't do the job of being a president, case closed.

    Some people don't seem to understand that its not just the president making all of these decisions too.
  9. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    well, exactly. wtf?
  10. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Thats insulting to me and i ain't even a woman.

    There are also plenty of women governors and mayors...
  11. sara_rose

    sara_rose Ice Queen

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    we had a female president here for a few years. she was, in my opinion, the best president we've had. everybody loved her, and still do!

    our current president is such and ass, he has no idea what he's doing...
  12. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    RE: 'm not so sure I'd want a woman president...and I'm not religious. Women tend to use their emotions when making decisions (me included), instead of using logic, facts, and figures

    By the same argument you shouldn't vote, either.

    And that's great - cause then elections would be about issues, not who has the better hair.
  13. FrozenMoonbeam

    FrozenMoonbeam nerd

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    We've had two female prime ministers, and I really hope that the general election on the 17th gives us a Labour party victory, meaning that Helen Clark (the current PM) gets in again.

    however, i get a little sick of their gender being the first thing that people notice. They have policies too dammit, that's what people should be caring about.
  14. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    i think part of the problem is that we havent really found a 'good' female candidate.

    There are pretty much only 2 choices on the horizon: Hillary clinton or condi rice. Well, half the country hates the name clinton. And the other one is black. Unfortunately, i think that still matters to some people.

    I think the biggest problem men in America might have is whether they believe a 'female' can be tough enough for the job. Would a female have demanded gorbachev tear down the berlin wall? Would a female have had the nerve to drop an Atom bomb? would a female have been been able to humiliate the soviets with the berlin airlift? to have defended this country during the cuban missile crisis? Probably.

    However, not all women have balls of steel like Thatcher. So, i think, if any female wants to be president, i think she would have to make it pretty damn clear that she is willing to do ANYTHING to protect America and her interests. I think Clinton and Rice are both like this, personally. I cant think of anyone other female politician that i would feel the same about, though.

    I dont think anyone doubts that women can 'be president.' As someone said earlier, there are a billion advisers that help the president make decisions.
  15. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    RE: Would a female have demanded gorbachev tear down the berlin wall? Would a female have had the nerve to drop an Atom bomb? would a female have been been able to humiliate the soviets with the berlin airlift?

    Nope, nope and nope.

    The woman vote swung the GW Bush campaign - remember "we must fight them there or else we fight them here?" what about our children? What about our children! Hug the alpha male!
  16. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    you sure are into the gender stereotyping aren't you iron goth?
  17. NaykidApe

    NaykidApe Bomb the Ban

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    I'd vote for Hilary just to see what would happen.

    The same reason I used to light things on fire when I was a kid.
  18. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Nope, seamonster - it's what demographics tell us. Surprise surprise that the single-issue (e.g. no fagits gittin married! no aborshun!) and Catholic (and before we begin the mass, let me remind you that the Archbishop says not to vote for someone who opposes our beliefs) demographics swayed it too.
  19. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Your comments make it seem that no woman would do the things you mentioned, and that simply isn't true. The president is not supposed to be your average citizen, its supposed to be someone who is an exceptional leader with superior reasoning skills (notice i said supposed to be) and there is no inherent reason why that person could not be a woman.

    there are some cut throat women out there, probably some that would be TOO hawkish for your taste
  20. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    The thing is, I don't want someone in power who'd hold that much of a grudge. Think Anne coulter

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