
Discussion in 'Protest' started by MaximusXXX, Oct 26, 2006.

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  1. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    oh man, you have the PERFECT genes for propigating!
  2. imaginepeace

    imaginepeace Livin' the Dream

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    exsactly. Whats strange though is that he assumed I was depressed because I was sad over not being able to find my birth mother. Im really happy exsept when people act like giving away your baby like unwanted clothes is the easy way out of things. MAXIMUS I think you need a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and maybe a job you enjoy, and then you wouldnt spend so much time being hateful on the internet to people. You need a mature grip on reality.
  3. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    Depression is an excuse, there's a name for everything now that to care for ever " illness " is a waste of time, by defition every single person has multiple illnesses, just take a look at your average medical dictionary or whatever they're called. It's hilarious, you want a real illness? Cancer, that's real.
  4. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    That's the religious fanatics, non-religious individuals would argue that the adoption system should be made more productive and substantial funding for the well being of these orphanes. If you fix the system, you fix the problem, look at Hungary, know how they decreased their abortion rates? Offered substantial funding for mothers with insufficient incomes to support children. It worked.
  5. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    Wow, you think I spend a lot of time on the internet? That's hilarious.

    BTW, I do have a girlfriend, yes, at the current moment lol, and no I don't pressure my girlfriend into becoming anti-abortion lmao, I assume people like you have only one personality? In teh real world you need more than one, or at least a way to hide you core personality, I have three, social personality, political personality and my jackass personality, everyone has a jackass personality, even you.
  6. imaginepeace

    imaginepeace Livin' the Dream

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    you need to hide your personality? You just got even more ridiculous. Your girlfriend probly is sleeping with someone who isnt such an anti-women rights jackass. You will figure things out sooner or later, or you wont and you will be miserable picking fights on the internet for the rest of your life. And I do think you spend a lot of time on the internet...you made three post...but i never said you spent a lot of time on the net...I just said you spent a lot of time being hateful.
  7. brainstew

    brainstew Member

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    Imagine Peace:
    Forget about Maximus. 99% of the time ppl like him or her NEVER change. This thread hasd been dragging on for a million years and the last of the post are insults. I'm so tired of this...
    Why can't you just answer the question and move on? It isn't so hard.
    Imagine peace wasn't trying to make anyone anything she just made a statement about adoption because ppl who were ignorant of what it's like to go through were making it sound like it was such a good thing.

    Maximus: I have NO problem with you but maybe, to get ppl to see your great intellegence, you can try NOT insulting them and tellling them how wrong their ideas are. Just because you feel a certain way about something doesn't mean everyone has to feel that way and everyone who doesn't has a problem. MAYBE, just maybe, not saying it's true...but Maybe, it's not the WHOLE THREAD THAT HAS A PROBLEM maybe its YOU...just putting that out there...

    What 90% of you guys are saying now has nothing to do with abortion and I don't think personal attacks is gonna change ANYBODY'S opinion.
  8. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    Now I have stated many times I don't believe in right or wrong as a fact, HOWEVER, as any politically minded individual I see it as my duty to convince, or if not, force people into believing what I believe, into my principles, this is why I am a fascist, I never say what I believe is factually right, however I am a fascist and I do believe that through force you can make people agree with you at least externally ( if not internally ).

    That is what matters to me, and that is why I hate hippies and liberals, equality doesn't exist, the concept is all well and good but it cannot work because most people are selfish bastards, like me, and believe it or not there are people on the opposite end that are just as forcefull with their ideas, talk to some hardened Pro-Abortionists, they're just as cold as me on this issue.
  9. salmon4me

    salmon4me Senior Member

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    Come out the closet Maximus. You'll be much happier.
  10. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    No, it's not a matter of convenience at all. It's matter of allowing an individual to decide what does and does not use her body. It's a matter of allowing an individual to decide what is best for her body.

    I wouldn't know if my mother had decided to have an abortion.

    And I really do not believe that everyone woman is going to decide to have an abortion to the point where we'd have to worry about the population decreasing. In fact, at this point, we have WAY too many people living on this planet as it is. We really don't need more unwanted children...

    As for childbearing being a woman's "duty"...You couldn't be more incorrect. The only reason there is an idea that childbearing is a woman's duty is because society has made it that way. Yes, a woman can bear a child, but she does not HAVE TO.
  11. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    For young white babies, right?

    I think that question speaks for itself...
  12. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    What's wrong with immigrants? I sense a bit of prejudice in this statement...

    I really don't give a F**K if there aren't any Germans or French. If a woman doesn't want to reproduce, she doesn't have to. Period. End of story.

    As for your apocalyptic prediction that every woman would:
    A. Want an abortion if she got pregnant
    B. Therefore causing an end to the human race
    Is pretty far-fetched. We are no where near that point, I don't think I ever will. There ARE women who want to have children...maybe not right now, but later in life. For your prediction to even possibly happen, all women would have to not want children.

    You must have one twisted idea of way life works. There is no definition to it other than living the way one wants. There is no set plan other than the necessaries: food, water and shelter. I believe that people have a natural instinct to want to reproduce if their race is going to die out...you really haven't disproven this belief. You are making an assumption (as I stated before) that all women do not want to reproduce.

    And where did you get the idea that in 50 years the majority will be elderly?
  13. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    Woah woah...hold up, wait a second....

    You do realize you just pretty much stated that you believe one person should decide what millions of people in a nation should and shouldn't do? You support a dictatorship?

    ...I guess that explains a lot.
  14. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    Are most liberals this uneducated?

    Look up demographics, you know, stats, as in, FACT, look up what Hungary did to solve their population crisis, they started a program by providing good financial benefits for those families willing to bare children, in Japan the marriage rate is so damn low nobody is marrying, and people are living longer. What am I? I am an individual who actually puts all his beliefs in proven statistics, because it is statistics by which bussinesses follow, and money controls the world, do you realise that the next big investments will be in pharmaceuticals, why? There is an obvious growth in the percentage of elderly citizens of nations, Germany can only solve this problem by opening the floogates for immigrants from Turkey, Greece etc, if you have a chance go to Germany and see for yourself, it's slowly turning into the mediterranean.

    I'm just glad that this is most likely the last century of mankind on earth, really glad, I'll live my life and die hopefully before I see the chaos rolling in, good for you hippies, try and fight for equality, human rights and blah, blah, blah, it's all a lost cause, me trying to give you some insite into the real world is a lost cause.
  15. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    I am a fascist. Some fascists I know support democracy, I don't.
  16. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    You claim that the "fact" you state is indeed fact so I expect you have a source to back that up. If you're going to spew a "fact" out there you better be able to fill the juice for that squeeze, meaning, sources, my friend. Don't ask me to do your dirty work.

    As for being uneducated...I think you need to take look about at yourself first. How about all those apocalyptic posts? That doesn't make you look very educated, it actually makes you look like you fear life itself. Relax man...there is no "inferior" or "superior" race or person. We're just all living on this big ol' rock trying to make the best of things. Why not chill a bit?

    You need to first find some solid evidence and sources to back up these crazy apocalyptic claims, or just take a deep breath, have a drink and realize that the world will keep on turning...whether immigrants come into the country or not.

    If what you consider chaos is immigrants living next door to me, I'll embrace it. I always like new people!

    As for giving me insight, the only insight you have provided is that of one from someone who fears life itself. I don't usually take advice or consideration to those who fear everything. They're usually QUITE biased.

    Take a deep breath and RELAX.
  17. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    Hey give me a break, I didn't get to that post until after I had made that reply, so I didn't know then!
  18. NatureBoy93

    NatureBoy93 Member

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    I believe that we are overpopulated, no doubt. I believe the body has no soul/spirit till after birth so abortion isnt so bad. Most human beings that are in power dont care about nature, or fellow animals. I went camping in the northcascades adn saw a bunch of hill billy jocks throwing sharp heavy rocks off of a cliff into the bushes that all the marmants lived in. Kids threw rocks at a mother duck and her babies, when i told them to stop they replied "They have the emotional range of a teaspoon, why does it matter?". Everyone at school likes to shout "F**K THE ENVIRONMENT!". I honestly dont think that most of the humans beign born are more important than the amount of species going extinct (which is permamnent, mind you) each year because of humans. NO human is. No one is special enough to the point that we should artificially raise elk populations in popular hunting grounds by flyign around airplanes and gunning down hundreds of wolves, just so they can shoot a few elk. No human is worth the few wild thats left being cut down so we can have houses bigger than we need. No human is worth the polar bears havign there homes melted and goign through strange mutations, just so they can drive around an escalade, and power their ipods. You get my point.

    If your against abortions, then dont get an abortion, but beign worried about somone elses family to the point that you affect there rights to start it is just wrong.

    That is untrue, us males go through hormonal changes aswell when our mates/lovers get pregnant. look it up.
  19. Greengirl

    Greengirl Senior Member

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    What if you are for an example a 13 year old girl! What then? Risk and die while giving birth to the baby? Have no proper education? How is she going to raise the child when she is still only a child? When there is a situation like this i think abortion is the right choice! But if you are dumb enough to get pregnant from a guy you dont love and dont want to have a family with, well then i dont think the abortion is the right thing to do. You have to take the responsibility for your actions and have the baby, coz if ya dont it`s just like a murder! But that isonly my opinion, coz everybody in this world has their own and everybody in this world has the right to decide for themselves, so that`s why i picked that the abortion is woman`s own choice!
  20. Morganna

    Morganna Member

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    I will never get an abortion. I will not hate another for getting one. I am 34, childless and in my heart I feel as if I was born to be a nurturer. This is why I intend to fix my life and then I will go out and adopt.

    I would also like to make note that I once had a three month hysterical pregancy after I was raped at the age of 17. ((That means I had all the symptoms, but was never really pregnant.)) I was willing to keep the baby then.
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