ok that is amazing.... Im teaching myself to wrap eventually. silver went up and i cant afford it right now. ill be working the big tucson gem show for 3 weeks so I know i can get some really cheap there!.... aw star ruby!!! cant wait to see the finished product
thats really cool!! you are hella talented lol wouldnt that be super big around your neck though?? ive never worn, nor seen one. lol
~* hey! enjoyed talking to you in chat the other week. I'm still amazed by your work and haven't ever seen any quite like it. Hopefully emloyed soon and getting something. Love and Light *~
I'd be glad to set you up with something tight just drop me a line whenever you're ready to get something and I'll be sure to hook you up
I'm gonna be getting the piece of jade in the mail tomorrow hopefully so I am very close to having a finished wrap to show you. doing this custom piece has really been fun for me so if anyone else would like a custom wrap I'll be willing to cut a pretty good deal on it.
Ok I ended up not using the jade and went with ocean jasper but it still looks phat as hell. here's a pic:
working on this for saw the finished pic today and was sooo happy. I guess my mission was accomplished