A Weird Hipforum Memory, From Long Ago

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by porkstock41, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i remember reading a thread, years ago, that was basically asking "what is something weird about yourself?"

    someone replied that he liked to spit into the toilet when he was peeing, and aim the spit in such a way that it passed through his stream of urine.

    i guess i must have been inspired to try this myself haha. i don't really know how long i've been doing this, and it's not like i do it every time i have to take a piss...but recently i noticed that i have gotten pretty good at this trick.

    -does anyone else have a weird hipforum memory from long ago?

    -does anyone else try to spit through their urine stream? if any girls fess up that is impressive!

    -and finally, if you are the person who originally posted about this in a thread in True Confessions, please make yourself known.
  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I have a Hip forum memory from a couple of years ago involving a member called MamaPeace.I have hesitated to write about this but she doesn't really visit us anymore.Anyway we got very close in the Happy Hippie House Party,both lived in London,and engaged in some mild flirting.We started to text and spoke on the phone a few times.I really felt her rushing into me and I kind of fell a bit in love with her,even though she had a partner but their relationship was a bit rocky.Anyway we agreed to meet at some event in London and it all seemed to go very well.But pretty soon after this I felt she started to get a bit cold with me and wouldn't respond to my texts.~i was really cut up.I knew there was no chance of a relationship because I was about 20 years older than her but I was hoping we would become good friends.Evidently she didn't want this,and instead of acting mature ~I kind of started acting a bit pissy with her on the forums,just subtle things that she would pick up on.I also noticed that whenever I came online she would go off,so this left me feeling pretty bad.Anyway I feel I acted like a real dickhead over it and deleted her from my friends list.Pretty soon after that she stopped coming onto the forums.Looking back now ~I would have acted differently.MamaPeace is a beautiful person,she has a wonderful child and a lot of intelligence.It's just that in a way ~I feel responsible for her leaving the forums.But then she was young and maybe wanted to move on in her real life.I had a great deal of affection for her and the whole episode got me down for a few months.If I could communicate with her now I feel I would have such a cool attitude towards her and it would all be so simple.Part of my problem is that I form very strong emotional attachments to Women,and I projected this onto MamaPeace.Any way I know she is a tough cookie and really hope she is doing well.I can't say much more than this.It has been a weight off my chest to write this out.Ciao for now...
  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Back in 06’ I remember having quite a heated discussion in what was the Duke University Lacrosse Team scandal involving the rape of a black female student by an all-white male lacrosse team

    I was inspired to write several top ten lists at the time including this one...

    Top Ten Most Popular Classes at Duke University

    10. Constitutional Law: The Bakke Decision
    9. American Literature: The Turner Diaries; and other tales of heroism
    8. Great American Films: From ‘A Time to Kill’ to ‘the Accused’
    7. Great World Literature: From Mein Kampf to the Bell Curve
    6. Roman History: The Patrician Class (and the First Triumvirate)
    5. Physics B: The Big Bang Theory and Planck’s Law of Black Body Radiation
    4. Great Americans: From Mike Tyson to William Kennedy Smith
    3. Afro-American Studies: The Life of Shirley Chisholm (how a former victim of rape rose above the stigma to run for president)
    2. Health & Medicine: Learn the extensive family of date rape drugs including Rohypnol & GHB which cause short term memory loss when ingested with alcohol
    1. Architecture: How architectural design flaws at public colleges and private universities embolden would-be rapists and other violent criminals

  4. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    thanks for sharing, fairlight.

    hotwater...that is weird :)
  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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  6. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    I once made this for an old dread forum post.
  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    not really a weird memory, but fairlight's post reminded me of something.

    so I sometimes have a hard time keeping track of forum members, especially new ones. I'll post on a thread and forget who has said what.

    So there was this girl who had posted about having a sexual abuse history.

    She also posted on some other thread something about blowing off steam, and I made some comment about "keep blowing".

    I forgot that she had made the earlier post. I didn't realize what had happened until she posted later about how she was leaving and someone on the forums freaked her out.

    I felt bad. Still feel bad about it whenever I think about it.
  8. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Was I a creep? But MamaPeace liked "creep" by Radiohead.
  9. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    Back in the mid-80's when you still had to use dial-up to enter this site I remember it took around 10 minutes to make a post, just because the data transfer was slow. So most people only wrote short answers and stories, maybe 140 characters max. This is also when chatspeak was invented, so we could post faster.

    Oh, those days. I sometimes miss them.
  10. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    NO, you were not being a creep. I remember MamaPeace and I actually remember her posting about either getting out of or TRYING to get out of an abusive relationship, and that she had a child.

    She seemed intelligent and, as a woman, I think she must have known that you had a crush on her...that being said...some women have a hard time telling a dude "Look I really do like you but I just want to be friends." Getting the "I just want to be friends" is NOT the awful thing lots of people think it is!

    I'm curious - how would you have reacted had she told you that?

    Also, just to avoid conflict (which it seems I remember her wanting a lot - to avoid conflict), she could have left the forum under that particular u/n and could still be around under another name. < just a thought

    Most women understand that sometimes a man just can't help getting a crush or whatever, and learn (with age) how to deal with it. :)
  11. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    Orison looking through a catalogue, of toys maybe? It was a video. And I remember thinking that he sounded nothing like what I would have imagined.

    I'll never forget GLEN telling a story about walking around his farm barefoot and coming across these poisonous brown snakes sometimes, and he said he's cut their heads off with a shovel. I will never be half that brave.

    One time, 5 years ago, I was on here and I was having a really bad trip (I was on drugs) and a poster was nice and helped calm me down. I think his name was neodude1212? Thats was a nice thing to do cause I was freaked out and a poster or two started fuckin with me, but he was super cool and supportive. Thanks man! :)
  12. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I would have been happy to just have been friends with her.But friendships between men and woman often lead to other complications,and I think she was aware of this.The binary opposite of "male" and "female" suggests itself,suggests intimacy even if that is an agreed no no.MamaPeace did post a few weeks ago asking 'How's Life",but she didn't come back to reply to any of the posts.Hopefully she has got a life of some sorts and doesn't need Hip Forums for company and loneliness etc so much...Not like me,I am very dependent on the forums for company!
  13. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    Well, at least Enjoy's sense of humour was greater than at least two other people here.
    I miss his posts.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    GLEN Wasn't Just Barefoot At The Time, He Was Bareassed Naked,

    And I Haven't Seen A Snake Here For The Last 3 Years, Methinks

    It Wasn't The Thought Of The Rough End Of A Shovel That Has

    Kept Them Away, More Likely The Risk Of Seeing A Naked GLEN...[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
  15. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    Do you think a Bareassed Naked Lynn could scare away the venomous snakes around here...or would they just have more area to bite? :D
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I remember some fun conversations in chat. =]
    Not so much the forum posts. I usually forget them when I got to next thread hehe.
  17. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I remember in like 04' posting in I believe 'random thoughts' about how I was taking a shower and my loofah got stuck to one of my moles on my shoulder......and it hurt like hell. I posted a pic along with my thread of myself, pointing a finger at my loofah, looking like I was scolding it...... then someone ended up animating my photo. So I was pointing at the loofah and a cartoonish mole (the animal) popped out, lol. It'd be kind of cool to see that animation. I can't remember who made it, I wanna say it was an older guy...
  18. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    Oh, why be so bashful GLEN? I'm sure the Australian tourism industry has seen a real boom in all the years you've been parading around in the buff. People travel from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the deadly wildlife. Including the elusive dreaded nude farmer. The continents most deadly herbivore! :D

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    ...:rofl::rofl:, Unfortunatly I Can't Pos Rep You For That,

    Site Tells Me I Have Already Given You Too Much Love...:love:

    Cheers Glen.
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Thats nothing, back in the 50s, before the internet, to make a reply in Hip forums you had to send it by carrier pidgeon, because the pidgeon would take days, even weeks to get to the other side of the world, by the time it go there people would be so mad and write even nastier replies. Hip forums was a lot more livelier back then

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