There is a game called life!!! It is perfect,and concise in every way in the rules we must follow. First of all,I have to say thank you from the bottom layers of my existence.I have faith in knowing,we are children from mother earth.Miya is always watching our great accomplishments.She is always happiest upon receiving the sacred and protected visions of purity from our collected thought patterns. The pyramids are the Earth's healing mechanism and thru wavepaterns of unearthly propourtions,they will have a place in our futures advancements. There is a cry for love and freinship causing joy.There is a plea for tranquillity and calm.There is unbound and real joy from any life everywhere.we only need to tap into this and learn how to fly!!!Fly into this delightful trap for the mind.All answers will be given in NO TIME. I love you all and this is to be a solomn pledge for all ETERNITIES ever realized.