A Strange and Wonderful Experience

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by old_crone, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. old_crone

    old_crone Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    In the beginning I was simply doing Reiki on my daughter who had hurt her wrist. Maybe I should say this experience was just one in many and the real beginning was when the river of energy gave birth to a spark of light that only knew they now were forever changed. This is strange for me for I feel at a loss for words. So lets move back to the moment I was doing Reiki. I feel as comfortable in the unversal energy as if I was home in my heart and soul. Then this tingling sensation started at the back of my neck. The next conscious memory in the flesh was this meshing with this amazing light that spread rainbows across the room. This meshing opened a door within me and I was no more locked in one form but held many as if I were warm taffy sliding around this world. The air became my breath and this host of Light Beings flew with me.

    There was no point and no one lead the whole. We moved as one breath with one connection. I understood Marconic Healing in a way I never had. We the Light Beings and I spoke with our thoughts, hearts and knowing and knew what we came for was the greater experience inside the whole. What I discovered was we each have this door...this opening that we can travel through if we choose to. This makes us our own healers and places of awareness that will ask us to open to the light inside us.

    Reiki was a tool as was the Light and trust that spoke of union with the One and our river of energy from which we are born. I found so often our missing memories shut down this connection of knowing who we are within.

    Our emotions can take us far from the path of the Light and Wellness we are on. Our emotions can also bring us home knowing we came this far to grow.

    I find even today { several days later} my flesh glows with this connection to the Light within me. My daughters wrist is fine. But I am forever changed and more conscious of who we all are and what we are capable of. May the Light of Love ever guide you for what you do will manifest the next step in your journey.
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