A reminder to go and stay veg!

Discussion in 'So you want to be a Vegetarian?' started by irisaura, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. irisaura

    irisaura Member

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    When I look at meat, I see dead flesh. I imagine looking into the animal's eyes while it was alive and understanding that they feel just as I do. Animals have families, dreams and memories, feel pain and love, and their lives are meaningful to them! What makes ME so special to rid a beautiful life from this world? No life is worth being taken advantage of or dying for a few moments of taste. I believe other animals have more of a connection to the natural world than we do, they have senses and abilities that we don't.. we could never recreate the intricacy of mother nature! She provides us with an abundance of plants with the nutrients we need.

    Just keep in mind how precious our lives are to us and those who are the most oppressed on this planet are our animal brothers and sisters. We destroy their habitats, kill their families in the wild for fun, mutilate their bodies and torture them to death in slaughterhouses. This system is not only killing animals but the environment and ourselves. If you feel guilty for eating meat, it's only natural to feel this way! Don't lose your compassion, keep it for the better good of all life. We're all connected.
    Love & light :love:
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We're all connected through the food chain. How much closer to the natural world can we get? :p But no, I agree our meat industry has developed some elements that remove us further from the natural world indeed, but not the eating of meat on itself of course (not sure if you ment that)!
  3. irisaura

    irisaura Member

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    Yah the meat industry has really separated us :( they've put up a curtain between us and systematic murder, it's disgusting and it's not efficient. We are not omnivores, we are able to eat meat if that is the only food source available imo- rural living, survival situations, etc. when in nature, but meat does shit in our bodies. I can't substitute the food chain/cultural practices/money over scientific facts and empathy, but hey the industry sure can brainwash everyone into that frame of mind!
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We obviously are omnivores. People have grown old on eating meat for thousands of years.
  5. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Good post. I've been vegetarian since I was 10 yrs old and then became vegan in highschool. It's been over 16 years now and I'm proud to say I'm still going strong! I love animals and all I have to do is look into my cats eyes to know I wouldn't eat an animal. You're right the meat industry is responsible for brain washing and murder. I wish more people would realize this. I feel sorry for all of the animals...
  6. irisaura

    irisaura Member

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    Do you mean cultures that have lived off the land hunting/gathering and using all of the animals for survival needs or living in civilization today, eating
    fast food meat everyday and buying meat from the store that has been exposed to dangerous chemicals and diseases? Because millions have died and are dying from that. The #1 killer in America is heart disease it's scientifically proven that the consumption of meat and animal products has a direct link to that. If the world ate less meat, there would be far less heart disease and cancer rates. We kill billions of animals that in turn slowly kill us.. we just aren't omnivores.
  7. pixiequeen79

    pixiequeen79 Member

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    im vegetarian used to be vegan but got ill so had to go back to vegetarian :( x
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    When I'm talking about thousands of years I obviously don't talk about fast food burgers ;) Eating less meat is something I strongly encourage. It's the best way in my humble opinion for a good diet. It is really out of the question if we are omnivores or not, I'm afraid. We are, I don't see how that isn't obvious. It doesn't gives us any excuse to treat animals as products of course.
  9. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Asmodean, as vegetarians, we have chosen to be herbivores.
    While we can be omnivores for survival, many people have been saying no, thanks for centuries.
  10. foresting

    foresting Member

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    Meat isn't the best way to achieve a 'good' diet..
    Too much red meat can shorten your lifespan, raises your cholesterol..

    "Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians."
  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    well yeah. when i look at my refrigerator, i see a refrigerator.
  12. slurpie

    slurpie Member

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    I support the message of eating less (or no) meat for health reasons.

    I wholeheartedly detest the message of eating less (or no) meat for "moral" reasons.

    If pigs weren't supposed to be food, God wouldn't have put bacon in there.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    God didn't put them in spaces where they can barely turn themselves.
  14. slurpie

    slurpie Member

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    I just mean there is nothing inherently "moral" about refusing to eat animals just because they are "alive." Plants are alive too. Plants also communicate, move, and adapt to their environments. The root systems of plants function in very similar ways to the brains of animals. Animals, just because they are "cute" or because it's easier for us to identify with them than with plants, hold no unique place among living things when it comes to how alive they are, and some would say even how sentient they are.

    Life feeds on life. It's the way of the universe. There is nothing shameful about eating animals, so long as you are not wasteful.

    As for keeping animals in inhumane conditions while they await slaughter, I agree something ought to be done about that. But let's not use that as a stepping stone to "meat is murder" territory, which is patently ridiculous. If meat is murder, then eating kelp is manslaughter at least. There's no such thing as surviving without killing something.
  15. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I haven't had to write this in a while.
    Yes, animal life feeds on life.
    As vegetarians, we choose to eat lower on the chain, and typically use provable sentience as a baseline.
    Plants are reflexive. They cannot decide to move or not. There is no central nervous system.
    There is no intelligence.
    Animals have those two things. So, for some, using animals at all is akin to servitude.
    For others, the idea of taking sentient life is wrong.
    Others want a healthier diet.
    All lower on the food chain.
  16. MamaPeace

    MamaPeace Senior Member

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    You just can not compare a plant with an animal. Two completely different organisms.
    When you harvest a plant you are only (in a lot of cases) taking the fruit, vegetable, grain etc, not the whole plant - an apple tree for example, you pick the apples and the tree continues to grow and will keep producing fruits.
    When you kill an animal you are taking an entire life and probably not even using it all either.
  17. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Also, many of our crops are annual, not perennial. Think of most vegetable and grains. They might self seed, but each plant has a one season life.
  18. slurpie

    slurpie Member

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    This is irrelevant. Homo Sapiens is -- genetically, biologically, physiologically, morphologically, and culturally -- designed to eat other animals. It's just who we are. Of course, you're within your rights to refuse to do so for whatever reason you want, good or bad. You have the power! Congratulations.

    Thing is, I have the power too, and I love lamb chops. If sheep weren't food, they'd have invented machetes first.
  19. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I think they'd need opposable thumbs to do that.

    Mod hat ON:
    Please remember that Skip lists this as a support forum.
    For years I've removed the debate threads as they got mean.
    Let's keep this one good and going, ja?
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    There are a lot of different moral reasons why people stop eating meat. Dismissing them all because you detest the most catchy and wellknown (meat is murder) is kind of silly and disrespectful. I think people could say meat is murder in the situation in the quote, it is just a figure of speech. No need to call it ridiculous, the only one who seems to be ridiculing here is you by the way.

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