a poem is a naked person

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by lover/young_peace, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

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    Dylan says a poem is a naked person/ he says he accepts chaos an so do i/ i want to sue him/ it was my idea first/ i accept chaos for what it is an not a nickel more... maybe a penny more but not under any circumstances a nickel/tomorrow i'll awake an feel better but until tomorrow there is today/masturbation is bad for you an i wish no harm upon the pope/please remember the obvious strangers/ you can know all of them with one glance/ i want t run to some new place/ just for the people/ scenery does not impress me/ humanity does/ i want t take a bath... but i've taken three already today an they were quite unsuccessful/ no ideas poured out/ no comfort found/ no bubbles goddamnit/ "who guards the light at the end of the tunnel?" the blowtorch-holding, god-fearing, mother asks me/ an i tell her "i do, miss"/ it's the truth too/ guarding the light is my job/ but i got bored so i left an never came back/ i'm unsure who's taken over/ maybe nobody/ it does not matter/ we'll adress that when we come t it/ for now let's pick up our geetars and tell eachother the world/ the world and chaos can have my child if it wants t/ WHAAAT?

    an i wish no harm upon you, however i'm fine by myself forever
  2. MoonjavaSeed

    MoonjavaSeed Yeah, Toast!

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    katie!! I knew all this!!!!!! :) :) :) :) !!!!!!!!!! wooooooooo i love you.
  3. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

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    I love you too, Meg. At a time I was tempted t put you into a poem of mine, had a thought of making you into my proudest character but I was too afraid I wouldn't do you justice so I pushed the thought away.
  4. MoonjavaSeed

    MoonjavaSeed Yeah, Toast!

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    aw darno! go right ahead :)
  5. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

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    i will, miss meg, i will :)

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