A place to share poetry

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by hippiestead, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    Wildflower Stew is looking for writers who want to share their stories and poetry. The e-zine is linked with a couple of major publications and provides a wonderful outlet for writers wanting to get their work into the public eye. Specifically, we are looking for stories on environmentalism, community living, alternative economics, alernative energy sources and similar subjects.

    "Living in harmony with the natural world, the ground of our being, is the inspiration for Wildflower Stew - a magazine to share the work of writers, photographers, artists and musicians who struggle to live in these difficult times and not lose their earth consciousness or their creative spirit." from the e-zine's founder Swan

    please check it out. http://wildflowerstew.org/mag


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