Various frameworks have been used to derive libertarian ideals from the deontological framework of the Austrian school to the consequential framework of classical liberalism to the egalitarian framework of left libertarian ethics. Each has their advantages and drawbacks. The Austrian School tends to be more clear cut but is clunky with black and white prescriptions having no flexibility. The classical liberal school is more fluid but is often subject to interpretation, and it holds liberty as an instrumental value rather than a fundamental value. Left libertarian ethics often tends to sacrifice liberty in the name of equity. In this thread, I propose a new framework for libertarian ethics based on information theory. Ethical values, including liberty, are derived by applying the principle of maximum entropy to moral models and deriving an entropian morality. In short, the moral model that is the most open ended (has the most options available) is the moral model most likely to be valid as the applications of social restrictions, which reduces options, leads to a more contrived, and thus less likely, moral model given what we know. A detailed description of the basic abstract principles can be found here: MediaFire Feel free to download, read, and share. Note: a lot of math is used in the text. This is to promote precise definition of terms and to allow for the moral autonomy of the practitioner, that is, one can use math to check claims and also derive new facts without the need to refer to an authority. This might put it out of reach for many people, but hopefully this can be fixed in the future as the equations become more streamlined. I believe this framework can solve many conceptual problems and provide a new means to support the case for liberty among other values.
If so, then maybe it will become less libertarian with an increased learning curve. It should be a matter of time before at least one other person understands it.