A Male Encounter With A Bi Sexual Couple

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by nz male, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Guys, if you were bi curious & got to have a sexual encounter with a bi sexual couple (male / female), who would you want to undress you - him or her ?
    Or would you let them choose who undresses you & how ?
  2. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    I would choose maybe one of these options -
    1/ get one of them to blind fold me & not seeing who's undressing me
    2/ ask them to decide who wants to undress me without a blind fold on me
    3/ Or ask one of them to undress me
    4/ who ever undresses me, then lets the other have their turn seducing me next
    5/ who ever undresses me has their turn seducing me first
  3. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    You're adorable.:)

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