can anyone suggest a light alcoholic drink, I don't want to say feminine, but nothing hard like scotch... one that you can barely feel the alcohol burn while drinking... maybe something fizzy like champagne.. anyone got any suggestions?
My dear, when you want to know about alcoholic beverages i'm the guy to talk to, lol. The drink type you are describing sounds a lot like the "premium malt beverages" that are popular these days such as Smirnoff Ice, Mike's Hard Lemonade, Bacardi Silver/Raz/03, Hooch's Hard Lemonade, etc. They all basically taste like soda and get you drunk, lol. I don't really like the original Bacardi Silver though, but then again i haven't drank one of those type of drinks in 3 years probably. From what i remember, Smirnoff Ice is good, Mike's is good, nowadays they have raspberry flavored Smirnoff and Bacardi though, those might be worth a try. When it comes to mixed drinks though, i don't know very much. If i ever have hard liquor i just drink it i don't mix it, lol. Well good luck and be safe for sure.
I wouldn't get drunk off that stuff unless you have a really low tolerance and can get drunk off of like one or two. Or unless you don't mind a really bad stomach ache from all the sugar in those drinks.
light, fizzy alcoholic drink with no alcohol burn and very little harsh alcohol taste...sounds to me like you're describing cheap beer...
Nati Ice! (I hate when people call it that, by the way). Blehh. But it's cheap, and the alcohol is barely detectable. Bud, Corona (yum) and Lindhoven (yum) are also pretty light. Oh also, especially when it comes to beer, make sure you keep it cold! There can be nothing grosser than that last warm foamy inch on the bottom of the bottle...
beer is what my taste buds live for... why dont you drink those wine cooler things, but they barely have any alcohol in them at all and its like drinking fruit sugar water...
most mixed drinks should be what your lookin for. something with ice and some fruit juice and liquor. i had to give up liquor about 10 years ago, so i forget all the names, but something like a whiskey sour, or sex on the beach . . . speaking of that, i live on a beach, im old enough to buy whiskey . . wanna come down for a visit??
Light? Fizzy? Fruity? You wants a mojito. I don't know if they're popular everywhere, but they're huge in cali. Anyway, they're basically club soda, rum, lemon juice, a little sugar(I've used honey), and mint leaves. They're awesome. Peace
if you can find it look for beers by unibroue. its french candian brewery. their beers are aa.. different. of thier beers my favorite uis "la fin du mond" this is a tripple fermented cask aged beer. made in the style of the trappist monks. Its 9% alc/vol, and has an almost champaigne like flavor to it. other beers by them are blanch de chambly 5%alc/vol maudite 8%alc/vol trose pistoles 9%alc/vol la terrible 10.5%alc/vol eu benite 7.7%alc/vol
Tequila Rose is pretty okay, thick though, but taste sorta like a strawberry milkshake, well sorta not really , but hey when its all ya got, ya learn to love it
There's always wild irish rose, cheap, comes in 'red wine flavor' or fruity, and gets you pretty good and drunk after the fourth bottle or so.