"A Hundred Little Hitler's" by Elinor Langer

Discussion in 'Books' started by interval_illusion, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    I started this book today.... I'm only a quarter of a way through it so far but I can tell for sure that it's a good book and I defiantly like it.

    It's based on real events that occured in Oregon in 1988... a gang of skin heads that were all mostly in death metal and punk bands with violent tempers ended up killing a black man that was born in Ethiopia.... the author so far has gone into the life of the leader of the group, who actually killed the black man with a bat and has started to go into the lives of the other members that assisted with the fatal beating... the history of the skin heads at the time, their influences, mainly from Europe, etc.

    Has anyone else read this book and if so, have any thoughts or comments to share?
  2. hippypaul

    hippypaul Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Yes, it is a very good and very scary book. The number of people worldwide who are joining this type of movement is alarming. One of my Uncles died putting that bastard Hitler in the ground and my mom and dad's life was messed up because of him and his like. Another good book about the worldwide influence is The Hitler Virus: The Insidious Legacy of Adolf Hitler by Peter Wyden.
  3. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    cool... ill have to write that down then. well, i am ALMOST done with the book and it defiantly is very good. there were a lot of things that i didnt know.... like how racist as a state oregon was and just how big the nazi movement in the u.s. was, etc.

    very creepy.
  4. hippypaul

    hippypaul Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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  5. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    well yeah and that one guy...tom? i think his name was? how he started to get into government and stuff...

    i guess one thing that is kinda surprizinging to me that this book kinda brought to life, is how you know... when you think of racists- you might just think of ignorant people that keep their views mainly to themselves/cause little harm.... or the kkk and the south...

    but a lot of the people in this book seem very educated and had a lot of influence. its kidna crazy cause it makes ya wonder if some of their ideas might have actually worked on a large scale
  6. *Ewan*

    *Ewan* Member

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    a nazi punk band, isn't that a bit of an irony?

    It sounds like a good book though. Yeh, in ameirca paticularly there are a frightening amount of white supremicist books around.
  7. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    seems there are two sides to punk....well, more then two.

    but the two sides as i gather pertaining to this topic, are the side that lean towards being skinheads and even nazis.. and the side that is very against that and them.

    for example... the dead kennedys even have a song about that (they, of course, not being on the nazi-ish side) and one of the main characters in this book supposivly got into a fight about it with sid vicious.
  8. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    "NAZI Punks Nazi Punks Nazi Punks..FUCK OFF!" :D

    Do you mean Jello Biafra though, Sid Vicious was in the Sex Pistols.
  9. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    no i mean sid vicious. i was talking about two different incidences.... but prolly combined them in the way i wrote that and made it sound like i was talking about the same other band. i mean sid, for sure.
  10. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    I heard about him getting beat up for saying "you cowboys are a bunch of faggots" in Texas..stating the truth tends to have that effect
  11. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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