A Guy Is Driving When One Of His Wheels Comes Off,

Discussion in 'Humor' started by alightinthedark, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. alightinthedark

    alightinthedark Members

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    He manages to pull over safely and recovers the tire.
    When he does he notices that he does not have any spare lug nuts to re-secure the tire the car.
    He spends a good long while pacing around the car and cursing. He notices that he is being watched by a man in blue scrubs and white slippers and robe behind a tall fence.
    Finally the guy in the robe asks the driver, "Do you want to know what I think?"
    The driver responds , "No, you fucking moron, I don't want to know what you think! Can't you see that I'm stuck here and the nearest gas station is miles away!"
    The guy in the robe suggests that the driver take a nut from each remaining tire to secure the rogue one. That way, each tire has three and he can make it to the gas station.
    The driver looks up and sees that he broke down in front of the insane asylum and he realizes the guy in the robe must be a patient...the driver asks, "Hey, you seem like a pretty bright guy. What are you doing in there?"
    The guy in the robe responds, "I'm crazy, not fucking stupid."
    3 people like this.
  2. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    Haha.....Great story.... That actually happened to me once while I was drivning a student to an after school program. Skeery as all hell too. It was my left rear tire, it came off and passed us on the left then went thru a row of mail boxes taking them all out. I used the borrow one lug nut from each tire method to be on our way, with no harm done to the car, luckily. :)
  3. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The first time I heard this was in Jr. high back in 1965 in a talk given by the Principal about something.
    Except the guy had a flat beside an asylum and as he was changing the tire the lug nuts rolled down into a sewer grate. A dude watching from an asylum window told him what to do.

    I thought it was pretty good except in those days Chrysler Corporation cars had right hand threaded lug nuts on one side of the car and left hand threaded ones on the other (to help prevent them unscrewing as the tires rotated); so it wouldn't work on those cars.
    So he must have been a General Motors owner.

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