Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey because he had lost the ability to control the FBI due to his fouling up the investigation of Hillary Clinton back in July of 2016. Trump fired Comey as he was leading an investigation of Trump’s team to see if they had past and present collusion with the Russians. The man under investigation fired the investigator. Now, the first question is, if President Obama had fired Comey for the same reason while he was investigating Hillary Clinton, a political ally, what would you have thought? Would it have appeared to be a cover up by Obama? Would you have seen him as interfering with an ongoing investigation? Would you have considered this an abuse of presidential power? If so, would obstructing justice and abuse of power have led you to ask for the impeachment of Obama? What would Trump have said? The Republicans? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity?
MeAgain LOL -well we all know they would be howling conspiracy, and that it was proof positive of the establishment’s corruption while screaming for impeachment and hinting darkly of insurrection if the socialist stayed in power. The thing is that I think some of them don’t care about a United States of America anymore or at least one with a democratic element they would be quiet happy with a right wing dictatorship that is until it began locking them up and then it would be too late.
I agree with your analysis. They are intent on getting their demands met at whatever the cost. They don't believe in a Democracy, as most Americans, and I think the world, don't support Trump. And they don't believe in a Representative Republic as they are content to look the other way if laws are broken for their benefit.
I was thinking about this today. One thing the Trump presidency has shown is that the balance of powers put into place by America's forefathers are doing what they are suppsed to do. But in the hopefully unlikely event that Trump is able to stage a coup and dissolve the current government, I truly think a lot of his supporters would be fine with it. I can imagine them saying something akin to congress should be dissolved because they were a major impediment to Trump's plans. I'm talking about the same people who are constitutionalist whenever it is convenient for them, or whenever the second amendment is convenient I should say Pure conjecture on my part and hopefully I'll never be proven right or wrong. Yes. Your turn!
Trump said himself that he could shoot someone in daylight and still get voted in as president. It is my belief that water seeks its own level.... Do I need to say more?
I don't understand the question. If Hillary Clinton was president there would be no investigation into her emails as that investigation ended before she would have been elected. However, if such an investigation was to still be active, and Hillary was president, and she fired Comey...I would have to know the reason for the firing. If it was for some vague thing, like the handling of an investigation that ended almost a year ago after she had praised his part in that very investigation repeatedly and often, and he was fired on the same day as subpoenas were issued for members of her team, and he was scheduled to testify before the Senate in two days....I would cry foul. I have no problem with ejecting corrupt Democrats. I liked Anthony Wiener until he pulled his stupid stunt. However if she fired him for legitimate reasons I would support her. For instance Bill Clinton fired FBI director William Sessions in 1993. But that was because he was caught by an investigation started under George W. Bush.
Wikileaks already said there was no collusion with the hacked emails and Russia. I do find it odd how DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered with his wallet and smartphone left at the scene of the crime immediately after Hillarys first email leaks. Wikileaks is still offering $20000 for information on Seth's murder. I think this Russian connection is regurgitated Cold War era propaganda that has been pushed onto us with the hitlarian tactic of telling the same lies over and over again to the point that more than half the country believes that Russia literally hacked the election.
I understand your reasoning because I didnt really take it seriously immediately following the election, I thought Russia was being used a little too handily by Democrats to justify Hillary's loss But there are of course clues that indicate this is more than Russian hysteria - Michael Flynn's resignation after failing to disclose meetings with Russian officials - Jeff Session failure to disclose a meeting with a Russian official during his confirmation hearing. I'm picking up on a theme with these two. It should also be noted Jeff Sessions recused himself from any involvement in the Russian investigation after this came to light, and yet he advised Trump to fire Comey. - the pick of Rex Tillerson for secretary of state. Rex Tillerson, who previously struck a deal with Russia in order for Exxon mobile to gain access to the Arctic circle, a deal which was rendered null and void with sanctions put into place by Obama. And he isnt the only member of Trump's cabinet and inner circle monetarily invested in Russia, the Trump family has their own monetary ties to Russia, - and of course we would know more about the full scale of Trump's investments if Trump released his taxes. I wonder why he didn't? And then we come to this, the firing of Coney two days before he testifies to the Senate. Or, put another way, the firing of the man leading an investigation into Trump's connections to Russia. Either way, it doesnt look good. All we have right now is conjecture, we can take what we know and try to read between the lines. Maybe you're right, maybe this is hysteria pushed for political reasons. But that's the point of the investigation, to determine the truth. And when Donald Trump fires the man leading the investigation, using something he praised Comey for two months ago as the excuse to fire him, it looks pretty suspicious.
A scary thought. This is one way he could begin... The Constitution, Article II Section 3 "...and in Case of Disagreement between them (the House and Senate), with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he (The President) may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper..." [italics my own]
Why do people think that Comey being fired is going to stop the investigation of Trump and his links to Russian hackers?
If there was ample evidence that Russia was involved with the election then I would suspect a cover up. However there isn't any evidence. Besides, in your mind President Trump is a fascist. Why would a communist support a fascist?
There is tons of evidence that Russia was involved in our election, and France's, Germany's, and other countries . We really don'y know if Trump himself colluded with the Russians, as we don't know everything the U.S. and it's allies have or don't have on Trump. Further we don't know if the current investigations will produce that evidence if they don't have it now. I don't know if Putin is still a member of the communist party, I don't think he is, but I may be wrong. Trump certainly has fascist tenancies. If you don't understand why Putin would support Trump, you need to do some research. I don't have time to get into it now. But, I'll just say, that's one of the reasons for the investigations.
The heads of six intelligence agencies testified that there is enough evidence to convince them. The head of the seventh agency was just fired, but he previously gave similar testimony. As to your question why would a Communist support a fascist, who is the Communist? Putin is as fascist as they come.
It has to be remembered than many Republicans supported Nixon right through Watergate and didn’t believe the ‘lies’ it was only when the evidence built up they turned against him. Thing is that today I think many on the right would not have cared if their candidate bugged the Democrats ‘hell why not’. I mean they cheered when Trump basically suggested that Russia (and presumably anyone else) illegally steal information from his opponent. AS I’ve said I think some who support Trump wouldn’t care if Trump had the power of Putin in Russia, oh it would be the end of American democracy but why care if their man was in power.
Such as? It didn't. He certainly have communist leanings. Such as? Which turned up nothing as with every other Russian collusion claim.