Hello my friends how are you?? Now I am not expecting an answer today as No one has any info but Would you guys PLEASE make it a point next time your @ the store,look for ANY powdered lemon Iced Tea Mix WITHOUT CARAMEL COLOR or MALTODEXTRIN?? The Iced Tea I used to have @ Aldi's was just changed to crap in my opinion..... CARAMEL COLOUR and VEGETABLE JUICE POWDER!!!! (Probably tastes horrible (As most stuff I have that has caramel coloring does (Plus I get headaches from that garbage 1/2 the time))) If someone can find some,would you PLEASE next time your here,put it in this thread for me?? I dont care where it is,I will try to order it. (Like I ordered my Clear value mac and cheese) That BENNER brand Iced Tea was the only Iced Tea I could find WITHOUT CARAMEL COLOUR!! (That I like (Liptons has MALTODEXTRIN which I dont like either)) I hope maybe by the weekend people will have had a chance to look for me?? Thank you guys,I really love you guys and Im so happy to be here!!!! Peace and love to you all
Make tea from tea bags in large quantity... let cool.... add sugar and lemon to taste... refrigerate. Make it the night before so you have as much as you would be drinking the next day. Quit with all this fake shit that doesn't taste good anymore. It's always been fake and it's always had bad shit in it, they just keep changing what kind of shit for cost reasons. Get real, man.
Do you even know what caramel coloring is? all it is sugar burnt to differing degrees to get differing colors/flavors. all it is is sugar. if you want to make your own caramel, through some sugar in a pan and heat it up, it really is that simple. kinda funny to hear someone like you complaining about an ingredient that is all natural....LOL
i remember dippping my finger in a vat of caramel colouring powder in the spice room of a food processing plant i work in as a teen it did not taste at all like i expected
You mistake caramel, the confection, with caramel "coloring" which is a highly processed industrial food additive, and is NOT Natural in any sense of the world, other than the main ingredient being of plant origin (but not always). It is processed with acids, chemicals like ammonia. According to Wikipedia there are four types of caramel coloring depending upon their use of sulfur or ammonia in processing. They have numbers (so you don't know what it is you're consuming!), E-150, with a letter afterwards. If you see that, it's caramel coloring. You don't need caramel color if you are drinking tea. My favorite tea is instant Nestea, available in decaf too. 100% freeze dried tea, just add water and whatever you like. Tastes as good or better than most teas. Lemon and sugar can be added, and will be healthier than any tea mix. Do not buy Nestea Mix with sugar as it's a completely different product with unnecessary ingredients. Or just make sun tea with your favorite tea bags and then it's ready to go when you need it on a hot day.
Ok, I was thinking back to when I worked at a place that made all natural food coloring/flavors. the caramel coloring we used was literally burnt sugar powder and the red was often either beet root extract or red cabbage extract, black was grape-skin powder. won't even go into all the things colored with crushed beetle backs. That was back in the mid 80's and like I said, we only dealt with all natural ingredients, so I never used any of the the you mention the more scary thought is that if you ate any packaged foods/drinks from 1984-1990, there is very high probability that you ate stuff I MADE!!! scary thought isn't it?
iced tea is almost too easy to make at home.....why would you buy it when you can have it fresh.......and every mass produced soft drink has no no's in them of some kind you don't think they are using millions of good quality teabags at the factory do you? they are using giant vats of concentrate....disgusting
Yes Skip and anything I drink with this garbage I usually get headaches and stuff....... ITS COMPLETE CRAP AND NOT NEEDED!!!!
Ive not used powder ice mix since I was in summer camp age12, during a spelunking and repelling course. I was drinking ice tea mix and become severely dehydrated .. since the camp didnt want to get me medical attention or send me home,, I ran away from that place..
Dude, you eat processed Mac and cheese. Don't get in a twist over tea. Make your own. I don't get why people sweeten tea, so my suggestions might not taste sweet to you, but a bit of your preferred sweetener would fix that up. Lemon Zinger (Celestial Seasonings, no caffeine) Iced Brew peach (CS- cold brew, has caffeine) Any black tea made as described by earlier posters. Want to control what is in your food? Make it yourself.
I like sun tea with a touch of stevia... and some lemon or lime juice. It sure beats the heat and restores one on a hot summers day... The Nestea powder is a good quick fix, but sun tea tastes better when you use good qualtiy tea bags. I like the strength of 'Lifeboat' tea but will settle for anything that is not Lipton's which tastes like freshly mown grass that has been dried and packaged.
taken literally he is looking for money or ''dues''....have you paid your dues?.and ''does'' doesn't fit?.....what am I missing?
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