A dream inside a dream

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Nirvanagirl, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Nirvanagirl

    Nirvanagirl Members

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    Has anybody ever experienced a dream inside a dream? Last year, for the first time this happened to me. I became aware i was in a dream and i woke myself up from one only to be in another. I don’t know how else to describe it and I don’t know how i managed it I’ve never had one since.
  2. thefallenone1986

    thefallenone1986 Members

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    yes a nightmare about marrying a hated work colleague. when i thought i awoke she was lying next too me. i woke up screaming...
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Its called lucid dreaming whenever you are aware you are dreaming. You can even try to program your dreams in advance, by thinking about the subject before falling asleep. Its interesting that you bring this up, because I'm working on the physics and mathematics involved expressed in terms of particle-wave duality. Your conscious mind sees all the discrete things in the world around you, while your subconscious views everything very differently and can appreciate more of the Big Picture.
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    it's happened a couple times. i can't really remember the details now, since dreams seem to disappear from my memory within a few minutes of waking up. but i know for a fact that i have dreamed that i was having a dream before, at least twice.
  5. Nirvanagirl

    Nirvanagirl Members

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    Thanks for the replies. I never realised that’s what lucid dreaming was.... i know what you mean about trying to dream about things on purpose, I’ve been trying this as well on certain subjects.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  6. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Drinking dreams are a fact of life for many recovering alcoholics. I have been a sober member of AA for almost 29 years but a while ago I had a dream that I was having a drinking dream!
  7. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    No I’ve never had a dream within a dream, but there are plenty of examples in popular culture, and when the person dreaming wakes up they do so in a cold sweat, or they wake-up screaming.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I wake up in cold sweats every now and again. I'm going to try and remember what I was dreaming about, if any. We've had a couple of weird things happen here recently....

    3 weeks ago my wife had one of those sleep paralysis moments. She said she was consciously awake and it felt like something was trying to throw her conscious state out of her body. She wouldn't sleep in the room for days...

    Only 6 days ago, I also had the exact same problem. And I remember being consciously awake and trying to scream but I could not scream. I tried harder and harder until I could hear myself murmuring. I went louder and louder. Soon my wife woke up next to me and I could feel her asking if I was okay but I was still trapped. She hugged me and tried to talk to me.

    Finally I was able to wake my body up but it was too exhausted to talk or move. I could only wimper at my wife who rolled me over and hugged me until I fell back asleep. I had to tell her the next day that's what happened. So within a few weeks of each other, something both us had never experienced before.

    Its kind of scary and freaky. I need to cleanse my dream catcher.
    mysticblu21 likes this.

  9. If only you could manage to 'not freak out' and stay and see what happens, You'd be surprised . even if you don't feel your 'identity' in that state of consciousness.
    Dude111 and thefallenone1986 like this.
  10. thirsty

    thirsty Newbie

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    If I wake up when I am dreaming I usually can remember most of the dream for a few hours. One night I woke up early in the morning and could recall the most exciting and vivid dream. I am pretty sure I was actually awake, I thought what an amazing dream I want to continue it so I went back to sleep and continued the dream. It's never happened ever again and after seeing the title of this thread I thought maybe I woke up inside the dream. It was too long ago to remember if I went to the bathroom before I went back to sleep. Anyone else know for certain they have woken up, gone back to sleep and continued the same dream ??????
    curiousbear and (deleted member) like this.
  11. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Perhaps the strangest part of my dreams is dreaming how things work and then not having a clue when people ask me how I know.
    The most memorable occasion was when I designed an electrode heating system and went on to construct it at a major London theatre. It seemed to attract a lot of strange interest and I was finally told that the technology was covered by the official secrets act and I was the first person to actually make it work, no doubt by combining it with my knowledge of industrial chemistry.
    I have often wondered whether strange dreams have links to the theory of reincarnation and we somehow enter into strange worlds of the past and link our subconscious to them.
    curiousbear likes this.
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Its the collective unconscious, which expresses a distinctly naive sense of humor. You could say because 42 is as good as it gets, knowledge is both acquired and intrinsic, with the collective unconscious expressing more intrinsic knowledge. We see knowledge as evolving from the past and creating the future, but the future is also normalizing the past, ensuring that we have at least the illusion of a causal universe. In other words, time is nothing like what metaphysics suggest, and even Zeno got it totally wrong, and it is simultaneously both real and illusory, ensuring that the illusion of causality must fall apart sometimes. My mother once picked up the phone to call someone, only to realize the person was already talking to her on the phone before she had a chance to dial it, and then they proceeded to answer all of her questions, but before she had a chance to ask a single question, then the person said goodbye, and hung up.

    That's the reality behind the curtain, and its simply humanly incomprehensible how it works, but it is possible to comprehend that it obeys particle-wave duality and, for most practical purposes, obeys simple Monty Carlo statistics and supersymmetry.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  13. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    mysticblu21 likes this.
  14. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Do you have any theories on the mystery surrounding what we call reincarnation.?
    In the 1970s ABC television Australia made a truly remarkable film. It featured on 2 girls who lived in a remote Australian village and neither they or their ancestors had ever left the surrounding area.

    During deep hypnosis, one girl described and drew a mosaic floor that she had looked at from her bedroom window as a child. She named the village and it was traced to the UK. The house was found and it overlooked a chicken barn, but the window directly above it did not exist. Trying to clarify her story, an expert archaeologist was called in and tests on the mortar verified that the window was moved in the 17th century. When the barn was opened, the floor did not exist either, but after excavation it was found below more than 6 inches of chicken droppings. the bottom layers dated to a similar period. Almost every detail of the mosaic was correct.

    The second girl described her death at a Nazi concentration camp. It was harrowing to watch.

    Shortly afterwards, the film was withdrawn from the UK. First reports clamed that it was banned, because the government found out that the second girl became locked in her trance and died a few weeks later. Then it was all denied and a story was posted that the whole thing was a hoax, but I had considerable doubt.
    A few years ago, I requested a copy from ABC Australia, but they claimed that the film had never existed. This is almost unknown, since all films are listed and archived, particularly those sold to another country. Then ABC started ignoring my calls and emails. Very odd.
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    We inhabit a paradoxical metaphorical and allegorical multiverse, and you could say the morality tale of Goldilocks describes the causal universe and how normalization and syntropy apply, while the human heart or greater truth is what makes the morality tale possible. The collective unconscious is composed of immature souls, infants that are evolving towards the collective harmony of the greater truth, and we do so in every way imaginable, including reincarnation. Our journey certainly appears to be never-ending, but it also appears to take every path imaginable, with quantum mechanics suggesting we can take an infinite number of paths simultaneously. For me, the evidence for reincarnation merely supports what I already know, that our journey is never ending, and the issue remains the same, which is how to become more self-organizing. For example, if modern science invented immortality you might think there is no point in believing in the existence of the collective unconscious, but nothing could be further from the truth. We have a soul because existence is magical, and not because it makes any humanly comprehensible sense, except to say its all about paying it forward and becoming more self-actualized.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  16. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Here is a dream within a dream . Fall asleep with a news media program on . The media is one dream , and then it is within and of yours .
    This can become very irritating . Step one - realize in the dream media is the problem . Then dream the device - then dream to unplug the
    device or whack it!
    smash it !
    bomb it!
    then oh well - you'll have to wake up and
    physically turn it off .
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i've dreampt falling asleep in my dreams sometimes. one time i was in a place far from my home that i had somehow teleported to, with a bunch of friendly people, and the let me go to sleep on their floor with a blanket and a pillow they lent me, and when i fell asleep there, i woke up in this world at home in my current place i live and my bed.

    i think pretty much every time i've gone to sleep in one of my dreams, this has happened.
    the reverse also happens a lot of times when i go to sleep.

    this is one of the reasons i don't think of dreams as just symbols to be interpreted, but as real or meta-real places in a parallel meta-universe if you want to call it that.

    i've also had dreams that were not repetitions but continuing a sequence. not immediately fallowing the previous, several or many others between, but taking up where another had left off.

    so yes, i've had "continued on next dream".
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  18. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    Yes actually. Doesn't always happens though.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  19. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    It is said that one is vulnerable to psychic attacks at night while sleeping. Taking a shower before bedtime will help to get rid off any negative energies accumulated during the day.

    Meditation before sleeping is said to bring immunity to such psychic attacks as well, and also bring about refreshing deep sleep.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  20. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    While we are on this subject. A few months ago I got sleep paralysis 3 times in one night. It happened on one those rare nights that I sleep for a good 10 to 12 hours. I ended up having an outer body experience 2 of those times. Everything I touched turned into silver. I was screaming to wake up but no one heard me. Seeing myself and my wife sleeping. Yeah, that freaked me out but it was cool at the same time. The 3rd time. I saw a hooded figure floating above me. Tried to move, scream. Nothing. Finally I woke up trying to catch my breath after I somehow managed to move my arm around to get out it.

    Another time when we used to live in an apartment. I was woken up by some force pulling on my legs and the blanket. I pulled away and sat up against the wall. Well I think I woke up. I freaked the hell out. It was so vivid. Then when I woke up for real. The blanket was pulled away and I was actually sitting up against the wall.

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