They had deportation orders and were "accidentally" granted US Citizenship. This is a mess.
Pathetic. So our congress, presumably, has known about this for years. And even more pathetic is that it won't be an election year topic for our presidential candidates; they'll be busy debating nonsense issues that distract the country from more important matters.
Lol, what on earth do you think Obama personally himself has to do with this? The president himself (soon to be herself ) is supposed to monitor every paper trail of every government department......and then somehow bend all conflicting rules to patch up any holes faster than those government departments are capable of themselves?
I can't lay it all at Obama's feet. I've been hearing about the Mexican border for most of my life. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama all had the opportunity to fix it and did not. Instead, our regulations about handling illegal border crossers have been mostly ignored. It's particularly disgusting that some members of congress are suggesting even MORE laws to deal with it. Instead of simply enforcing those that are already on the books. Saying this I might expect to take shots for being "anti-immigrant", which is preposterous. People who walk across a border illegally are not "immigrants". The US used to have policies similar to many European nations who will not accept immigrants unless they have something useful to offer. Just try getting into Switzerland as an American non-millionaire. If you complain about the US border situation, you are instantly tarred with the "racist" brush. While that should be considered an outrageous accusation, after all, nobody is talking about Mexican people as a "race", it has instead become the go-to tool for shutting down a discussion. I know it may be hard to believe, but most white Americans are NOT racists. So they freak out rightfully when they are accused of it. Especially when they know better. Just the accusation alone can end jobs and get people kicked out of college. No real evidence required. I bring this up because I was in a news forum and one of the posters suggested that the people who have been screwed the most by this surge over the last 20 years across the Mexican border, have been black Americans. Using this as their basis the suggestion was that black Americans have more at stake with the border than anyone else. If they went down there and protested/patrolled the border, trying to play the race card on them will only generate laughter. I'm so tired of the division in America. The REAL issues are not about race, they're all about class. Arrogant wealthy assholes rule us all. We got along so much better during the Disco years!
send them to canada...our prince trudeau will hook them up with a free (taxpayer funded) home and monthly (taxpayer funded) stipend payments that amount to more than the average citizen (taxpayer) here gets for an actual paycheck...he will also enroll their kids in schools and everyone gets healthcare (they wont even have to wait 2 years to see specialists like we do) if theyre extra lucky some local church goofs willl supply them with free food and a vehicle...handicaps welcome and make sure they know they can bring their elderly family members..we'll send special overpaid (taxpayer funded) medical teams just to make sure their (taxpayer funded) flight over goes ok