8 Values -- Politcal Quiz

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dude111, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    Shocking, even more proof that I'm a centrist. It explains why I think hard left and hard right assholes are, assholes.
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  2. Crystal_Nocked

    Crystal_Nocked Members

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    I am glad you're not saying that Libertarians in America don't vote GOP "as the lesser of two evils."

    Since that is exactly what most of them do.

    We know that a Libertarian candidate has little chance to win. ( The demise of Ron Paul and the failure of his son Rand is evidence of this.) So, we often go with a "small government" and Conservative Republican. This way we try to avoid getting a typical tax-and-spend liberal in there.

    And yeah, most people who Identify as Libertarian in America, will score on the Right, or the Conservative side of any political preference test. I still stand by my OP guesstimate of over 70% or so. For example, the Tea Partiers or Libertarian. Do you not think those guys are super Conservative? Yes, they indeed are.

    Hope this helps, mate.
  3. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I'm a Libertarian, plus you didn't address one point I made...'conservatives' in America don't give a fuck about personal liberties.
  4. Crystal_Nocked

    Crystal_Nocked Members

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    Do you live in America?

    Hard to believe you do, with a comment like that.

    Of course conservatives "give a fuck" as you so eloquently put it, about personal liberties.

    They simply construe them and what constitutes them differently then do the Liberals.

    Conservatives..and many right wing libertarians...adamantly believe in the right for the individual to be free of Big Government interference. This includes the idea they think that the Government "cannot legislate morality." They are against the Nanny State, entitlement State, Tax and Spend liberal mindset.

    Conservatives believe in rugged individualism. The right for the individual (there's your rights!) to, say, have their own small business or other enterprise without government subsidy or constraint. It could be argued in fact that Conservatives actually care MORE about individual and personal liberties, since they advocate for our right to live and prosper and conduct business without the Nanny State. Again...most Libertarians ARE Conservative in their values. Look it up if you like. The Tea Party, for example, is the ultimate group for personal rights. Are they not conservative?

    It has been argued by Liberals that Conservatives care more about the Rights of Corporations, while Liberals are more concerned with the rights of the Individual. This is probably where you were going. You heard this old line somewhere and ran with it. LOL. But if you stop and do the math, you will come to realize that those corporations ARE made out of what? People. Individuals. Doing business. Living freely.

    Liberalism can be extended to Socialism. Or at least Democratic Socialism. In this form of government., which likes to propogate the idea they really care more for the individuals, what is really happening is that they are for HUGE government. That willl oversee every aspect of your life. They are in this way, elitest at their core. Thinking that the common man, the rabble. NEEDS them to take care of them. It is not really your freedom they want. Rather, they just need to maintain the self-perpetuating Liberal, Nanny State Tax and Spend Machine.

    Whereas, the Conservative wants none of this. The right to do business and prosper, or fail, or do trade, or buy property, whatever, is left to your own and the Free Enterprise Market. Which will right itself when it goes awry, and does not need Government interference or oversight. That latter form of economics is called Keynesian. And it is not a true free market.

    Any sort of government who tells you that you need their oversight and rules and control is NOT giving you your freedom. They only wish to make you think they are. And so they point at the TRUE advocators of Freedom...the Conservatives, as being callous and uncaring of the individual and his personal liberties. This is a total Straw Man argument.

    And see...you drank the Kool-Aid from the Liberals!

    Hope this helps.

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  5. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Yeah I live in America you fuck, I'm a goddamn veteran and registered libertarian and you still haven't addressed any of my complaints about 'conservatives'. You're talking about economic liberty which was never one of my talking points to begin with...and 'conservatives' don't really care about that unless you've got a million dollar corporation.

    To a 'conservative' are gay relationships equal to heterosexual relationships? How do most 'conservatives' feel about legalizing pot? What about the death penalty? Abortion?
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    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    "Computer says": -

    [SIZE=12pt]Economic Axis: Centrist [/SIZE]Diplomatic Axis: Balanced

    [SIZE=12pt]Civil Axis: Progressive [/SIZE]Societal Axis: Progressive

    [SIZE=12pt]Closest Match: [/SIZE]Liberalism
  7. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Economic axis -socialist

    Diplomatic axis - Internationalist

    Civil Axis - libertarian

    Societal axis - very progressive

    Libertarian socialist

    No surprises there.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I'm going to have to take the quiz again, now I'm confused on whether I got libertarian socialist or social libertarian..and what exactly is the difference, I wonder?

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    One persons persona is another persons perception - I guess
  10. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    My closest match: Centrist, which I think is about right. Econ =Social; Dilplomatic=Balanced; Civil= Moderate; Societal=Progressive;
  11. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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  12. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Mine said Libertarian Socialism. I don't identify as either, and I think I prefer Democratic Socialism ,which I have learned about. This test seems to feel that the two are opposites. :worried:
  13. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I got libertarian which isn't surprising.

    But at the same time, these tests mean nothing to me. These questions are always black or white. For example, there is one about family values. I'm paraphrasing but it's something along the lines of do you feel family values are important? Well, yeah, who doesn't? But does that mean I want the government to tell us what values are important and then mandate their implementation in my family? Absolutely not.

    But the questions aren't specific like that.
  14. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Google LEBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, and there's ten pages of tests....here's the one I took....

    Political Typology Quiz

    ...and I came out as.....
    Political Typology Quiz

    Your best fit is...
    Disaffected Democrats
    along with 14% of the public.
  15. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I remember that one. Good example! :) I remember answering that way too. Maybe that's why it says I'm Libertarian Socialism?
  16. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I'm a surf nazi.
  17. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Puleez....Raygun tripled the national debt....Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.....Shrub Jr. doubled it again, and destroyed the whole U.S. economy and global economies. That blows the SMALL GOVERNMENT to smithereens.
    Tramp has already added $1.5 trillion to the debt, and raised taxes on the poor, cut social security and healthcare. So your "compassionate" con attempt is pure B.S.
    Okiefreak likes this.
  18. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    There were some young guys with a table at my school; you tell me if this sounds Libertarian or not. I heard it and thinking about it I was like "oh, that would be Libertarian". They had one of those petition things for everyone to sign. There were about ten different petitions, but one of them has to do with: California being able to vote on whether or not there's a gas tax, as opposed to it being imposed without a vote. I'm not sure if the petition addresses what the gas tax should cover. I got the impression that the guy didn't think there ought to be a gas tax. I guess we have differing opinions about taxation. I'm in favor of taxation if it will provide better quality of life for the poor; stuff like that. He clearly wanted less of a tax on gas. I feel like we maybe should do more with a gas tax.
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I feel almost tempted to stand for prime minister myself.
    I don't think that I could make a much worse job of it than the current options here in the UK. LOL.
  20. Idlewild

    Idlewild Members

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