Here's the test: 8 Values My results Centrist....... I think thats accurate as I dont like taking sides really...... (I see the good and what not on each) Not good to limit yourself to one or the other........
Economic Axis: Centrist Diplomatic Axis: Balanced Civil Axis: Statist Societal Axis: Neutral Closest Match: Christian Democracy
Honestly, I think I'm slightly more moderate on the military and economic scale than the test suggests. ?
Yeah....a libertarian..socialist would be an oxymoron. Funny...I don't recall seeing libertarian offered as a result. Anyway.....I got Moderate. 67%.
I got Libertarian. I think you can be a libertarian socialist in ideology, but actually trying to put it into practice is paradoxical as socialism always leads to totalitarianism
Hmm..don't think so, mate. A Libertarian advocates for the smallest possible government. And the least possible government intervention into our lives. Basically all they want the government to do is protect the country with the military and take care of the infrastructure and law enforcement and to tax as least as possible, and to stay the hell out of business and the Market. A socialist democracy, like they have in France and Sweden has a huge government. True Nanny States. The government runs most things, like Health Care and you pay enormous taxes. Most large businesses are at least partially subsidized by the government. Socialism evokes an Entitlement mentality. Libertarianism does not. It advocates individualism and unbridled free market economy that is untouched by government. Further,Socialists are usually on the far left side of the political spectrum, most Libertarians are on the far right. There are exceptions to this, of course. But I'd say that in America about 80% of those who would call themselves Libertarians are GOP voters or Independents with Conservative values. Anybody who calls themselves a Socialist is a Liberal. Thus diametrically opposed on most issues to a Conservative mindset. Hope this helps.
There are different forms of socialism, socialism means that property and the distribution of wealth is controlled by the workers. This can be done by worker or community collectives or by a government entity. Here are two forms: and
this isn't true though. Most modern countries have at least a few social programs, some more than others. I suppose you're referring to socialism by its strictest definition. Even then your statement isn't exactly true, as a true socialist state has never existed (except in small, self sufficient communities). So it isn't neccessarily that socialism leads to totalitarianism, but the path to socialism is interrupted by totalitarianism. Anywho, economies that employ a mixed economy of capitalistic and socialist elements fair quite well....which I think sums up the belief system of a social libertarian
Yes, and just because a few nations implement social government programs, that doesn't mean the whole society is socialist. We've heard that all before. How's Venezuela working out?
I'm not saying socialism as the Marxist ideal works - I think mixed economies are best - so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to debate here lol
I like how Venezuela is always the go to when arguing socialism. It shows an intellectual ignorance on the part of the person saying it. They ignore the numerous European Democratic Socialist states that have a better standard of living than Americans. North Kora refers to itself as the DEMOCRATIC people's Republic of North Kora. So by that logic Democracy does not work either. See how lazy that is?
That's hard for me to believe. The Libertarian platform states that "government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships,” adding that “consenting adults” should have freedom to chose what makes them happy, something I've never heard 'conservatives' argue for. Libertarians would also like to see the 'war on drugs' ended, have proposed a ban on the death penalty, want to eliminate regulations on over the counter contraception and would stop foreign military aid. None of this sounds like 'conservative' values to me, at least not the way it's defined in the US. I'm not saying that Libertarians don't vote Republican as the lesser of two evils on election day, but that's different than agreeing with traditional conservative values. you vote? DO you buy items and goods and services from privately owned businesses? Do you own property? A house? If your answers to any of those questions is Yes...then you are not a real socialist. You might be, say, only a Democratic Socialist.